Christian profile picture


...the field mouse is fast, but the owl sees at night.

About Me

If you are a friend you already know all about me but if you are not....ask and i will answer almost anything. lol

Your results:
You are Superman Superman 85% The Flash 80% Green Lantern 75% Spider-Man 70% Robin 70% Catwoman 65% Supergirl 60% Iron Man 60% Batman 30% Wonder Woman 30% Hulk 30% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...

Take the quiz:
What is your life rated? (ESRB)

You are rated M for Mature, ages 17 and up. This is probably the choice lifestyle of many. You take many risks, you live life on the edge, and you're relaxed and layed back. You have no problem doing what may be considered wrong as long as it doesnt harm those who have never harmed you.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Interests

Watching movies, Working out, Playing Guitar,Talking with the love of my life....

I'd like to meet:

Angelina Jolie, Milla Jovovich, Scarlett Johansson and hmmmm.... .. More videos from the "Contagious: WTF Theater" channel at


Everything from classical to rock. I'm not too picky :)


Comedy, horror, thrillers, action and adventure Take the quiz:
WhOs YoUr CeLeB tWiN ? ? ? (wItH pIcS) FoR gUys And GirLs !!!

Orlando Bloom
Your twin is Orlando Bloom!!!! You are fun and sexy. All the girls are lined up around the block for you. Your personality is alittle mysterious. You always look you best. You are also very popular with the guys and expecially the ladies. People should just call you Mr. Right.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


Grey's Anatomy, Smallville, the 4400, Nip/Tuck, Las Vegas, Lost,24 :)....I will watch anything as long as I'm entertained


Take the quiz:
What SuPeR HeRo Would You Be?

You are strong, but a little on the shy side, you are talented. But a word of advice, don't go changing in telephone boths, you can get arrested!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


Moja Gwiazdeczko!!!

My Blog

Hmm not too sure about this but.......

Sex and First Letter of your name Sex and your name (it seems to run true!!!) According to studies, your sexual identity is revealed by the First letter of your First name...what do you think? (Those ...
Posted by Christian on Wed, 07 May 2008 11:53:00 PST

How Sexxxxy is YOUR name?

How SEXXXY is YOUR name?under 45 points=not too sexyfrom 30-75 points=pretty sexxyover 80 points=VERY damn sexxxy!!!beyond 100= frickin' sexxxxy!!!!A=23B=14C=9D=28E=20F=12G=3H=10I=10J=11K=30L=31M=2 5N=...
Posted by Christian on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 05:20:00 PST

Little Miss Muffet...The Uncut Version

"Little Miss Muffet Sat On A Tuffet....  Eating Her Curds And Whey,  Along Came A Spider Who Sat Down  Beside Her And Frightend Ms. Muffet Away." "Then Muffet Went Back And Checked Her ...
Posted by Christian on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 02:06:00 PST

It's Funny...

I have had people tell me that they saw me online sometimes when I am not even home.  I checked my page without logging in one time and I saw online icon was on.  It seems that when...
Posted by Christian on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 11:47:00 PST

Is This What My Birth Date Means???

Your Birthdate: March 30   You have the type of personality that people either love or hate.You're opinionated, dramatic, intense, and very outspoken.And some people can't get enough of you...
Posted by Christian on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 05:45:00 PST

Just Curious

Ever since joining Myspace i have wondered this one question....does Tom have a cool looking page?  I never looked but am often curious. LoL 
Posted by Christian on Mon, 22 May 2006 01:31:00 PST