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J. J.

Art, my eye !!!

About Me

Petite, sometimes dainty. Creative soul reacclimating to the good life. Background in the fine arts and animation. History of giving my two cents. Work highlights: "KABLAM!" on Nickelodeon, animation for the Jet's scoreboard, and most recently completing a game based on 'Caddyshack' for cell phones. Accolades include a couple of black eyes & a London Int'l. Advertising Award in 2005.Still a puppet for the man.

My Interests

Art (high & low). Robots & action figures.. Film/Animation. Comics. Architecture. Insects. Good music. Soccer. Food, everyday. Sleep, sometimes. Dr. Pepper. Lego. Minature golf. Tattoos (should be under the art heading, but most tattoo work I've seen really sucks!).. Traveling. Paint by Numbers. Stickers. Creative concepts & good design. T-shirts. Flowers. And time travel.

I'd like to meet:

Jacob Kurtzberg, H. C. Bukowski Jr., Samuel Clemens, Charles Dodgeson, as well as good ol' Ben Franklin


Altered Images, Bongwater, Cobraman, Dead Kennedys, Edith Piaf, Foreigner, Grant Green, Helen Kane, The Id, Jonathan Richman, Karen Black, Lovage, M.I.A., M. C. Paul Barman, Nina Simone, The Ozark Mountain Daredevils, Pilot, Devo, Reagan Youth, Scott Walker, Thee Headcoats, Tones On Tail, The Velvet Underground, Andre Williams, Xavier Cugat, Yaz, Yma Sumac, and incorrect music.


The Tin Drum, Breaking Away, Night of the Hunter, Happiness & Storytelling, To Catch a Thief, Cruel Story of Youth, Donnie Darko, My Life as a Dog, Brazil, Jacob's Ladder, Time Bandits, Flash Gordan, Deathrace 2000, Dune, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Wild at Heart, Blade Runner, Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, The Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Skycaptain... Errol Morris' work, Lenny, La Femme Nikita, Realm of the Senses, West World, Repo Man, Transformers, You-Me-and Everybody We Know, Dolemite's efforts, Dead Alive, Buster Keaton's everything, My Neighbor Totoro, Fantastic Planet, Sex World, Oh and those Hobbit flicks.


The Simpsons, Futurama, Astro Boy, Antique Roadshow, Kids in the Hall, Mr. Show, Conan O'Brian, Land of the Lost, Herculoids, Thundar the Barbarian, 24, Sopranos, 6ft. Under, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Twin Peaks...


My girlfriend reads to me...


Jack "The King" Kirby, Buster Keaton, Raymond Lowey, Susan Nestler, Andy Warhol, Kurt Schwitters, Lenny Bruce, Osamu Tezuka, Michel Gondry, Ray Johnson, Ub Iwerks... and in many ways, my own Mom.