GOOD: kitties. pills. high heels. black eyeliner. things that sparkle. sharp pointy objects. being Platinum Blonde. dancing. my friends!! cotton candy. botox. wild berry skittles. getting tattooed. bacon. the kilowatt and all who work there. pink and black. leather clothing. fishnets. cheese of all kind. golden boy pizza. cupcakes. eating babies. BAD: nickel. liars. nosebleeds. judgemental people. swollen eyeballs. cheapskates. tourists. losing stuff when you're drunk. touching me when I don't know you. touching my girlfriends when they don't know you. asking me about my "ink".
dumb fat girls in dark alleys. and a banana milkshake.
The Naysayers, The Discreet Doll Band, The Orphans, This Bike is a Pipe Bomb, Nuts and Bolts, Girls With Guns, The Flash Express, The Feelers, Clorox Girls, Black Roses, Colt 45, Raven Crows, Y & R, Desire to Hanglide, and most of the other bands my bitches are in. (and Motley Crue.) I love me some Rock n Roll. (and I'm having a love affair with Talking Heads right now.)
violent love stories. (romper stomper, true romance, wild at heart, sid and nancy, blue velvet, heathers, killing zoe, less than zero, natural born killers, the lost boys) (and valley girl)
Golden Girls and Magnum P.I. Rock of Love 2. Entourage.
I like 'em.
my eevil seester. my girl jen, the mother of superbaby. my girl janette, cuz she's a weener. my girlfriend, ms. trouble. jenny, for standing in line with me in suburbia for so long. and travis barker, cuz he came to my rescue that one time in my dream.