analog correspondence. berks county pennsylvania. my mennonite thrift store polaroid camera. chilli cheese dogs. dogs. monday mornings. folding tiny things. church and castro street stations. wheat pennies. small things. felt. my fire escape. i like to make pies. exportaling neighborhoods. manor coffee shop + philosophers club. a good food challenge. north beach pizza quest tuesdays. the smallest coincidence. sunpuddles. matching pbs sweatsuits. expert on the fashion of chinatown. in-n-out. capri sun, cause it makes me feel like an astronaut. hearing fog horns from my bed at night. giving myself heartburn. towns and neighborhoods. modest timeframes. field trips + fields. fan of the 24 hour power vacation.
a legion of perceptive crazies. and nerds.
if it sounds like a summer night or maybe a secret
return to oz. bedknobs and broomsticks.
television archaeology = six feet under dvds.
nick pavlesich. marty + vicki. hummingbirds + giant ferns.