About Me
1977 - He was born in Kirklareli(Turkiye) , he began playing drum at the age of 7 - 8 inspiring by his father Ergin
Dayanç.He took stage in different school
activities.1995 - He started playing for the band of Burak Boras', who quit working with Haluk Levent for his own solo guitar
career and After taking stage with various bands and artists he went to the United States where he also played for bands and
artists for a short time. Then he went to accomplish his duty at the army in 1999 and he finished it in 2001.2001 - He finished the Musicians Institude in Los Angeles P.I.T(Percussion
Institude and Technology) with success.Afterwards he took part in the album and live
activities with Ray Harold and Jason Yellowstone.Coming back to Turkey he took part
on stage with Haluk Levent.2004 - He quit working with him in order to pay more attention to both his own
album and other group's activities.2005 - During April he took stage with the group Stone Valley in
London.He also
performed in their album, too.2004 -2005 - 2007 He made arrangements and records for Riza Cetinkaya, Umut Kuzey and Haluk Levent.He also performed for the songs Longa&Sirto Medley in Sedar Oztop's Tutki cildirdim,Hosgeldin Haluk Levent's albüm which is called "Mutlulugun Gözyaslari" "Aksam Ustu", it was appeared in 15th September 2005. He performed at the
concerts of Baris Akarsu, Murat Evgin, Bitter,Objektif,Serdar Oztop,Umut Kuzey
Recently, Gökçe Dayanç is paying
attention to his own album.
He repairs motorcycles and writes computer programmes in his spare time.1977 yilinda Kirklareli ilinde dogdu, davul çalmaya 7 - 8 yaslarinda babasi Ergin Dayanç' tan etkilenerek basladi, çesitli okul gruplarinda çaldi,1999 yilinin Kasim ayinda vatani görevini yerine getirmek için çalismalarina ara verdi 2001 yilinda Musicians Intitute(Los Angeles)P.I.T(Percussion Institute and Techology) performans bölümünü basariyla bitirdi. Ray Harold, Jason Yellowstone ile albüm ve canli performans çalismalarinda bulundu.2001 -2004 yillari arasinda Haluk Levent'le çalisti. Haluk Leven'ten ayrilarak kendi çalismalarina agirlik verdi. 2004 - 2005 yillarinda Riza Çetinkaya, Umut Sert albümlerinde aranje ve kayitlarinda yer aldi Serdar Öztop' un 15 Eylül 2005 tarihinde çikan Mutlulugun Gözyaslari isimli albümünde Longa&Sirto Medley isimli sarkisinda performans gösterdi(2005), Baris Akarsu, Murat Evgin konserlerinde canli performans sergiledi.Kanal D'de yayinlanan Arka Sokaklar isimli dizide Murat Evgin ile beraber dizinin müzikleri üzerinde çalisti, 2007 - Timuçin - Maxi Single(Hasta Dünya) projesinde Aranje,kayitlar,davul,bas,perkusyon,mix,mastering, Gökçe Dayanç'a ait, Gökçe Dayanç su anda Serdar Öztop ve Objektif ile birlikte performans gösteriyor. Bos zamanlarinda motorsiklet tamir ediyor, bilgisayar programlari yaziyor, tonmeisterlik yapiyor, J.S. Bach ve Demonico Scarlatti'nin bazi eserleri üzerine yeni yorum ve düzenlemer yaparak denemelerde bulunuyor.