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Danny Fantastic

Prettier than me? Bitch, Please.

About Me

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Theres A Few Things You Should Know...
19/Taken/London/Lives With Boyfriend :)
In a world where "You are not yourself" seems to gain more presidence than anything else, I find myself wondering where it all went so tragically wrong for the 21st Century boys and girls.
It seems owning a Camera makes you a photographer, Having a friend with a good camera and a penchant for photographing you(however badly it may be and often is) makes you a model, owning A MAC eyeliner makes you a make-up artist, Owning anything Westwood makes you a fashionista, being able to type a few handy lines of HTML makes you a web designer, having the tiniest knowledge on working illustrator makes you a graphic designer etc etc. Please get over it, this world is far more important than any of you have yet to realise, and your insignifigance will only become more plain as you "grow up".
Without sounding like just another member of the myspace "I'm better than you" group, I do wish people would realise that they are not anything other
than themselves, and until they achieve anything real they will never be above that.
I don't believe in bisexuality, I can honestly say it is either a state of denial in a sense of partially accepting who you are, or a bid to gain attention for something that isn't particularly that important in the large scale of things. Nobody grows older and is still bisexual, there may be an underlying intruige in homosexuality, but nobody over the age of 20 really goes from a relationship with a man, to a woman, and so on. It just doesn't happen.
I also hate people who are unable to see both sides of the arguement, and who instead insist that they are always right, even when they have little or no knowledge about what they are even arguing about.
I also dislike people in Peta. Or animal rights activitists, vegetarians who never stop going on about how cruel it is, get a fucking life. I hate activism of any kind, its just rediculous, and shouting your point at me really isn't going to make me say, "yeah you're right" its more likely to make me say, "you're a fucking moron and a twat, piss off".
On a positive note, I live in London now, Moved down from Durham a few weeks ago and its all going suprisingly well, Studying fashion design & pretty much just enjoying everything else along the way, so I'ts all pretty great right now :).

My Interests


Charles Paul Woodward, What Can I Say?
You're The One Baby, The One & Only That I'll Ever Need.
In My Overly Vocalised, Heavily Opinionated Life, I Still Find Myself Completely Lost For Words To Say Exactly, Just How Amazing You Are, And How You Make Me Feel
I Feel Blessed, I've Never Met Anybody That Understands Me Like You Do, That Is As Understanding As You, You Let Me Be Me, And Always Understand The Bizarre Ways That My Mind Works.
You're Stunning, You're Gorgeous, You're Funny, You're Sweet, You're Intelligent, You're Smart, You're Level Headed, You're Crazy :P, You're Everything I Could Ever Want, And Everything I Need.
You Amaze Me Baby, I Love You So Much, And The Feelings Just Keep Getting Stronger.
I Love The Warm Tenderness Of Your Kiss, The Gentleness Of Your Touch, And The Feeling Of Your Breath On The Back Of My Neck.
I Love The Way You Speak, The Way You Smile, The Way You Hold Yourself, The Way You Think, The Way You Act, The Way You Sleep... I Could Quite Easily Go On And On, But I'll Leave It At, "I Love You Charles Paul Woodward And Always Will."
All My Love, Forever And Always.

I'd like to meet:

My boyboy Adam Please?View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment


My Music Taste Will Vary Depending On My Mood. As With Everyone.I Can Sit Back And Listen To A Teenager Full Of Angst Talking About Slitting Wrists And Blacking Eyes.Or I Can Chill Out To Early Rhthym And Blues Such As Aretha Franklin.There Are Several Musicians Who Mean Alot To Me, And Who Have Shaped Me In Some Way.Those Are:Blondie. Aerosmith. David Bowie. Metallica. Madonna. Kylie Minogue. The Beatles. The Rolling Stones.


I Love Old Cinema 1930's onwards.Although I am Also A Fan Of Modern Day Movies.Such as,Hairspray. The Simpsons Movie. The Harry Potters. The Lord Of The Rings.


Television Is A Medium For The Masses.It Instills No Passion Into Me.


Vogue Is My Bible.I Am Also A Huge Fan Of Victorian Literature, Particularly Of The Horror Genre


My Blog

Havent posted a blog in ages soo...

Well, I haven't done this in ages, And all the old ones have long since been deleted because I realised how vile I used to sound.But, things are alot different now, and I think its time I recindled my...
Posted by Danny Fantastic on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 07:55:00 PST