MISSION: to glorify God by becoming a worshipping community of influence where young men and women are maturing in the faith and being equipped to give their lives away. Jesus speaks to our world in ways that both inspire and deeply challenge our preception of reality. Much of what he says causes us to rethink our paradigms of success and significance. He comes and tells us that the first shall be last and to be the greatest is to be a servant of all. In following Him, our world is effectually turned upside down and in the process we are made right side up.
As Dallas Willard (The Divine Conspiracy) puts it, "To become a disciple of Jesus is to accept now the INVERSION of human distinctions that will sooner or later be forced upon everyone by the irresistible reality of his kingdom. How must we think of Him to see the INVERSION from our present viewpoint? We must, simply, accept that He is the best and smartest man who ever lived in this world, that He is even now 'the Prince of the kings of the earth' (Rev. 1:5).
Our prayer is that INVERSION is a place where young men and women find life and satisfaction in the greatness and the glory of God. It is our hope to see a generation mobilized and equipped to positively impact our world to the praise and glory of Jesus Christ.
Make sure you check out the INVERSION site for more details on upcoming events, find out what we are about, and how you can get involved. you can also link up to Reid's THOUGHTS on his blog. go ahead and take a gander.