I'm interested in lots of stuff. Could go down the list, but that might take a while. Hee hee
One main interest is serving the Lord by serving others. Here is a little video of my time in Slovenia with 8 other people from my church in Franklin and oodles of amazing people over in Slovenia. God did unfathomable things in that little country and in the hearts of so many. I miss it!
Someone that takes my breath away and that doesn't mean I want to meet someone that'll punch me in the stomach. Oh, but guess what, Tim does both! HA I'd also love to meet my grandfather who passed away when my dad was young. From what I've heard he was an awesome guy...
Anything that can make me laugh (especially Dumb and Dumber, Tommy Boy, Billy Madison, and The Longest Yard), somtimes things that can make me cry (Life is Beautiful [has to have sub titles, none of this dubbed in English crap], Gladiator, The Patriot), every now and then I get in the chick-flickish mood and the best movie of all time THE MEN!!! My grandfather that passed away when my dad was younger was in it.
They have TVs out here in TN? Well why didn't somebody tell me?!?! Gosh!
The Bible, Redeeming Love, most Karen Kingsbury novels, C.S. Lewis' stuff is amazing, the list goes on, but those are a few worth mentioning.
My grandma!!!