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If theres anything you wanna know please dont be afraid to ask someone else, we dont bite just scratch n poke ha ha, have fun with the tracks hope whoever you are listening that your rockin out whether its in your bedroom, prison cell, mental home, shopping mall, lift, car, truck, plane or slammin us against your eardrums on your ipod ;)
The tracks on here were recorded with Jim Riley at Ranscombe Studios, pure genius tis that man!!
See you all at the shows
Wednesday February 27th 2008 @ The Boston Music Rooms, London
Words & Photography by Dominic Nicholls
Stage 1 Showcase
Whilst the founders of grunge have gradually faded from the public eye, it seems a dedicated few still hold a candle for the scene. A good example being Rochester trio Endless summer. From the opening tracks alone, Soundgarden sprung to mind, with deep, heavy guitar riffs whilst lead singer Paul Whiteoak and drummer Jim Hallett bounced lyrics between them. Driving well-placed breaks, searing short solos and neat harmonies was Hallet’s drums, and though this may sound stupid, they were LOUD. It was as if he’d ditched the sticks and was battering out the rhythms with a set of golf clubs.
Endlessummer - Demo
Hmmm, nice one. Endlessummer do grungy/southern rock with a certain finesse and balls. Just a trio but sounding much bigger, Endlessummer grind their way through six (although the cover artwork lists ten!?) excellent tracks and leave the listener wanting (and needing) more.
Comprising Paul Whiteoak (guitar & vocals), Jim Hallett (drums & backing vocals) and Mark Ellis (bass), Endlessummer have perfected the big sound that typifies the genre; big guitar riffs, massive, punchy bass and thrashing but punctuative drums. Vocally, Whiteoak certainly has that powerful, droning delivery very much in the style of Kurt Cobain and Eddie Vedder. Their songs pack quite a punch too; well constructed, nicely arranged with plenty of variation to keep interest levels high. Endlessummer perform here with professionally solid, adrenalin fuelled passion; they seem well matched as a outfit and play very much as a unit. Endlessummer seem to have the whole grunge rock thing down to a fine art and get their work across extremely well with sufficient angst and plenty of commitment.
Their press pack tells of a band that are, "a rock dream" and "a pleasure to work with" (not entirely rock 'n' roll then, in the historic sense!!), these guys are sure to please many and win over a few disbelievers along the way with their big mature 'chunes' and seemingly 'good boy' attitude both on and off stage. Certainly, they sound awesome here and would definitely get a mosh pit raving at any venue. And, with their own brand of enthusiastic, angst driven, grunge/southern rock flirting with the calmer aspects of dirty stoner there's sure to be many takers for Endlessummer's energetic and vibrant work. Is grunge still on the menu though? Well, if it isn't then Endlessummer will be at the front of the queue when it comes to making sure that it is - and rightly so!!
Endlessummer seem to be fully geared up and ready to take on all-comers with their passionate take on rock with great songs and superb musicianship all topped with a solid, kick-ass delivery. Impressive stuff!
Peter J Brown aka toxic pete (
(Rhythm & Booze rating 9)
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