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Brian King of the Old School

helpful for all who need it

About Me

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My Interests

I have many, lets start with the health care of my uncle. It is a major part of my life. Then there is the health of the other older people in my life. Like my friends Dan and Izzy. Both are diabetic and are up in age but still can do what they did 20 years ago. I also collect Yugioh cards. I have a nice collection so far. I have learned to play also. I also like spending time with my friends that I already listed. Dan and Izzy and George who is maybe the most easy going guy on this earth. But more about these guys in my heroes section.

I'd like to meet:

SENATOR EDWARD KENNEDY and maybe some other famos people but that sounds like everyone els lets ask this question if you met the some famous would you treat them like a friend you have known for a long time or act like a fool and try to kiss there a$$


I have way to many to list. But I will say this, I like everything, but most of all Metallica is the best!!!


Star wars 1-6, X-men 3 was a great movie. It was so good my 81 y/o friend loved it too.


Don't watch much TV. I have my computer, I'm good. But if I had to pick, Adult Swim on Cartoon Network seems to be what I watch. LOL! I even got Dan my 81 y/o friend to watch the boondocks.


right now i am reading AMERICA BACK ON TRACK by kennedy


OK, this is going to be long, but it says everything I want people to know, and if I leave out something I will add it later. First my heroes are the kids from the flea market very young, but so smart and good to others and they give of them self's. Nice qualities that will do them good in life. OK now for Izzy and Margot my Jewish adopted mother and father. They have been through so much, and still get up every day and just make the world a better place. Margot has beaten cancer 3 times and just turned 81. Izzy has a number of health problems, but always sees the good things in life. I owe them a lot to helping me recover from the depression. George was and will always be a hero to me. When my uncle first had his stroke, I was drinking every night. Well he stopped that, and made me get focused on what I needed to do to care for my uncle. He has always been there for me. At times I may be way to mean to him and I do say I am sorry, but not nearly enough. Dan is another one of my heros. He went through what I am going through with caring for some one so close to him and watching what that person goes through as the slip away. I know this pain all to well, and I would not wish it on any one. But there is Dan right there for me. Someone I can yell at because I think the world sucks, and I cant get ahead. He makes me see the lighter side of things and calms me down. Someone I do need in my life. Now the last person I talk about, I do with tears in my eyes. His name is Chuck, and he is the person I care for. He's my uncle and was an X-ray tec and one of the smartest people I knew. Till he had his stroke. He lost the use of his arm, cant walk so good, and even needs me to dress him and shower him. But then again he gets up, and he will never let me forget that he's still in side. With his smile. That only I know what's on his mind and it's nothing but evil fun. a And how he still plays with his Jack Russell, and he never seems to give up. He has more heart and life in him now then before. He has made me in to a better person and taught me to think of others other then my self.