Don Kikong profile picture

Don Kikong

Build and destroy!

About Me

Always working and in to somethin as a Musician, the stream of musical blood runs in my family. I am a drummer and I started playing at the age of two and still going. I mainly focus on reggae/dancehall/funk/grooves etc..I am at first hand a drummer and secondary bass player. I also play guitar, keyboards and percussion and I'm pretty much self taught but due to my capabilitys I attended eight years in music school. At the age of 8 in the mid 80:s I started breakdancing and quickly got involved in Hip Hop culture. At an early age of 13 i started MC'ing and was mostly a freestyle MC often backed on the wheels by DJ Kwartz. I used to love battling on the mic and at that time and later I amongs others would consider myself one of Swedens #1 battlecats.To mention a few collaborator; Dj Kwartz, Dj D-Lite, DJ Mainee, Sherlock (Speedy, Pee-Wee, Seb-Roc, Thomas Rusiak, Infra-Red, original Natural Bond) Ken, Big Fred, Joel a.k.a. J-Sweet, Low key dwellaz, Bleedz the chineese negguh, AFC, DJ Taro, DJ Will Rock...etc.By the mid 90:s, I was amongs others, the founder of the Roots Defenders reggae band alongside Henrik (bass) Emiliano (guitarr at that time) and me at the drums. Later on, Donny Dread bacame a part of the band as lead singer with his distinctive vocals and the band was a underground success anywhere it set foot. After a few years of differances of wills with the Roots Defenders, I was offered a space with legendary swedish reggae band, Natural Way to be their backbone as a drummer and I continued playing with the band for some 8 years until the band formally split up after a 20 year period of classic roots reggae.Along this period I also recorded alot of underground stuff with various Dj's, MC's and bands. My roots are deep in this Hip Hop thing. Iv'e been reppin since early 90's and been supporting act for groups such as; Afrika Bambaata (twice), Public Enemy, Group Home, 8 off the Assasin a.k.a. Agallah the Don Bishop and so forth and the story has not ended with this...Check out my great uncle at I've also got three nieces playing for the french philharmonic orchestra. Another distant cousin of mine is Michael Jordan, yeah that's what it is! The Harrell, Mims & Jordan and Terry family stretches across borders n seas.At the moment I am in the final stages of building my studio so soon there will be more fiya aswell as an artist page where you will be able to hear some of the music I will be making. Ya dig!!

My Interests

Getting the company going...

I'd like to meet:

Other musicians who can play any black music in general live aswell as in studios for recording. Anyone else, who is interessted in vibin with me, give me a holler! (P.s. Dj Kwartz, where da hell u at???? D.s.)


That would be reggae, Hip Hop, soul, rap, r&b, worldmusic (african, sub-saharian) My greatest inspiration for drumming would be Sly Dunbar, to me unbeatable but for some who would know reggae, might hear it but I mostly generated an specific style of my own.


Scarface (I laugh my ass of everytime). Half Baked, Warriors etc.




Stuff based on reality with a twist.


My ancestors who managed to stay alive for me in order to see the world today!!

My Blog


Rest in Peace Banji!!! Your sweet voice and personality will be remebered always! Neva forget!!!!!
Posted by Don Kikong on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 03:32:00 PST

Hip Hop family reunion!

Tja!Jag vet...Jag har inte haft tid att blogga på ett tag men det finns orsaker till allt. Jag skriver några rader nu iallafall. Igår var det lite av en mini-Hip Hop reunion för mig. Jag fick ett samt...
Posted by Don Kikong on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 02:26:00 PST


Jag har återupptäckt en grymt god, nyttig, mättande gröt!Fixa krossat bovete. Måtta upp i ett glas (ca 1½ dl). Dubblet så mycket vatten i en kastrull och koka upp vattnet. I med boveten + lite salt. K...
Posted by Don Kikong on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 04:29:00 PST


Have a peek at the latest work in the studio dated from the 27:th of July...Drop a comment!
Posted by Don Kikong on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 07:04:00 PST


Oziel! Vila i frid min vän! Du dog allt för ung...
Posted by Don Kikong on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 08:59:00 PST


Tja! Nu är man tillbaka från en regning semester på Gotland. Första dagen var solig så vi grillade käk ute på terassen till stugan vi hyrde. Kneipbyn var invarderat av Polacker som som typ blastade KL...
Posted by Don Kikong on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 02:29:00 PST

Forward ever, backward never!

En kort uppdatering...Gjorde en skön affär igår. Jag har sålt min gamla Ciao Piaggio. Jag gav tre och fem för den för över ett år sen och sålde den för, tre och fem! För en månad sen köpte jag en EU-M...
Posted by Don Kikong on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 03:48:00 PST


Jag och Rambo fick igenom papprena på firman i veckan!!! Riktigt kul, Skatteverket ska komma och kolla lokalerna för att se om dom kan pressa på Fastighetsägaren till att röja upp skiten därnere...Nu ...
Posted by Don Kikong on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 11:08:00 PST

The Office

Det är bara tragiskt hur den här killen steker bort sig själv, stackars stackars stekare... e=related&search= ..
Posted by Don Kikong on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 10:57:00 PST

Veckan är den 17:e på året

Hej bloggläsarna! Den här veckan har varit hektisk. Måndagen börjar med att tömma en 40 fots kontainer med "Money Banks" d.v.s. spargrisar skickade från Kina, min korsrygg känns ungefär som geléhallon...
Posted by Don Kikong on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 12:56:00 PST