Universal Healthcare, Art, Art Therapy, Painting, Drawing, Dancing and Screen Printing with Chris, Social Justice, Jesus, Ghandi, Karoke, E-Bay, Mushroom Hunting, Mint and Chocolate mixed together, Racial and Gender equality, going back to Vietnam in the near future, peace and politics
Friendly People
Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, The Decemberists, Ludacris, Obie Trice, The Postal Service, Holden, Etta James, DEVO, Moby, Death Cab, NIN, RATM, Nico, Allison Kraus
American Beauty, The Royal Tenenbaums, Bridget Jones' Diary II, Overboard, The Squid and The Whale, Boys of Baraka, Born Into Brothels, The Wedding Singer, Jesus Camp
Public Access...especially the lady who thinks she is a dance instructor from another planet
ANYTHING BY KURT VONNEGUT (may he rest in peace) The Poisonwood Bible, The Bible, Slaughterhouse Five, Beloved, anything by Ursula K. LeGuin, Great Expectations
My mom, Xavier, Poison Ivy, My Grandmothers