Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Soooo I say the word 'like' way too much to sound intellegent, though I am. Most people are surprised at my opinions (ergo the reactions to my blog). Im not down to earth or laid back. Since when was being either a good thing? Im not comfortable around people who are those things.. I am simply materialistic and spastic. All my friends are the same way. I have few close friends. All of them are sarcastic, like myself! Are we snobby? No, but if you put me down or say anything demeaning, then I will recognize you to be a lowly and miserable human being unworthy of my friendship. Harsh? Maybe, but its how I feel. I don't need to be surrounded by a lot of people to be happy. Im content with my life right now. Although I can always ask for more.. I really want a piano and for my grades to be better! Christmas is my favorite time of year. Halloween comes close in second. I love giving presents! Surprising? Well I actually am a big giver. It makes me happy to see the people I love happy. My parents are the same way. They are wonderful people who have given me everything a girl could want! Paid education at a great University, a new Mercedes, a new loft, diamonds. Im spoiled, but within reason. I still dont have a damn piano! I love playing music, it makes me feel accomplished. My favorite things to play are Christmas songs and Classical pieces. Gosh does my life sound nerdy and boring? I may be a closet nerd, but I also love the nightlife! haha 80's music is the soundtrack to my life... mostly duran duran. I am not shy at all. My mother has taught me to be a lady and carry myself with confidence and class. I do it sometimes, but when it comes to going out, I bare all! My friends and I usually get lots of attention, mostly unwanted, from the guys. Its a nice pick-me-up though! I live my life how I want to and usually make my own rules, which gets me in major trouble!! I am a huge procrastinator and dont like to be told what to do. In summation- I am the King of my world (no, not queen). I love women and I understand men. If I see a sexy girl in the street, I dont hate, I tell her how hot she looks! If I see a girl who has a bigger Gucci bag than me, I tell her that I absolutely love it! Think Im superficial? At least Im being real. I have no need for passive aggressiveness. If you do and I catch you being like that, Ill call you out right then. So dont. I don’t hold grudges if you sincerely apologize and I believe youve changed your ways, but if not, stay away. I dont get people who are just straight up rude. If its a chick, usually its due to jealously or sharing a common ex bf. But if you are ever mean to me because I did something to piss you off, please let me know instead of being hateful and immature. Sometimes I feel like Im surrounded my morons. Does anyone else feel like that? Let's see what else? I owe my life to fashion icons... and God bless Zsa Zsa Gabor for saying the following: "I never hated a man enough to give him diamonds back." AND IT IS SO TRUE!!! I'm keeping the f'n diamonds. P.S. Got some free time? Check out this site- amp;q=9%2F11&hl=en P.P.S!!! If you pretend to be my friend, then try to get my boyfriend to sleep with you.. you're a whore and he would never touch that nasty s***.You are 87% Capricorn
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