red light kisses, red velvet cupcakes, the signature of the artist, my car on a lonely highway, silver teardrops, tapes, typewriters, memories, metacognition, metaphysics, hypothetical constructs, operational definitions, 45 rpm's, trains, train tracks, the divine, red wine (especially petite sirah and pinot noir), jogging, clouds, constellations, blueberries, bubbly beverages, beer (Bass, Guinness), poetry, prophecies, Polaroid pictures, passion, sunshine, shadows, saints, sinners, reflections, kindness, el arte, film, fruit, tofu and broccoli, squids, being underwater, underwater noises, the ocean in general, biogentic influences on behavior, psychosocial theories of human development, learning, language, luscious lips, parking lots, parked cars, magical music that makes me cry, vinyl recordings of the aforementioned music, airports, bus stops/stations, creations, photography (primarily of the black and white traditional methodology...naughty ones are good too), adventures, travel, dive bars, chocolate bars (usually dark...Dove is good), dirty deeds, Mexican food, Asian cuisine, psychology, philanthropy, sociometric status, death and dying, egalitarian views of gender roles, socioemotional selectivity theory, programmed theories of aging, damage theories of aging, caloric restriction, actively seeking a cloister, cannolis, dreaming in color, tickle fights, blowing bubbles (but not while biking backwards), altruism, origins of human behavior, Grecian muses, odes to the west wind, pretending I'm a little tea cup, sprinkles on doughnuts, tap dancing donkeys, jellybeans, swashbuckling, hanky panky, cartwheels in the green green grass, frothy beverages poured down my pants whilst doing the hula dance, ants in my pants, pudding in my pants, fresh vegetables in my pants, anything in my pants, putting my pants on inside out, not wearing pants, i hate shorts, carpetbagging, teetotaling, frolicking, eating goat cheese, self loathing, licking things, self loathing, playing nicely with my friends, self loathing, pickling things, and chess...oh, "How the world is made for each of us!"
"all the martyrs with better ways to stop the world decay"
"If music be the food of love, play on." ,
is hysterical laughter of people.
As opposed to casually mentioning books I have and do enjoy, I shall instead mention authors that stimulate me intellectually and sexually and effectually and contextually. They are as follows: Oscar Wilde, Hart Crane, D. H. Lawrence, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Pablo Neruda, Anne Sexton, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lord Byron, P. G. Wodehouse, Dorothy Allison, Dylan Thomas, Sandor Marai, John Gardner, David Rice, Dagoberto Gilb, Sandra Cisneros, Elizabeth Browning, Sylvia Plath, John Keats, John Rechy, Arthur Miller, William Carlos Williams, William Blake, Allen Ginsberg, Thomas Hardy, J. D. Salinger, the motherfuckin' saga continues....
Yolanda Mania, Richard Avedon, David Attenborough, Man Ray, Edward Weston, Tina Modotti, W. Sickert, Vygotsky, various strangers, St. Julian, St. Francis, and