rock n' roll, whiskey, sex, knives, fire... "dead things, Mikey, dead things"- Goonies
Sarah Silverman, despite that whole Jewey thing. Oh, and Jack Black, I'd hit that.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Lionel Richie
Almodovar, Tarantino, Lynch, Swingers, High Fidelity, Goonies, movies based on comic books (I blame that on my cousin Mario), horror movies... except zombie movies (I blame that on my cousin Mario, too)
Chappelle, Sarah Silverman, Scrubs, 24, Dharma and Greg, Food Network, the History Channel
Garcia-Marquez, Sandra Cisneros, Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, Neruda, bios on musicians, and of course, Lenny Bruce
My Nana, My Grandpa Armendariz