Arch_nmé profile picture


Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Bea

About Me

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My Interests

Hmmm as much random craziness as one can possibly squeeze into our time on this astral plane. oh and this guy rocks my fucking world .... a drummer to aspire to be like - please let me introduce ... MR Scott "MACHINE GUN " Smith

I'd like to meet:

Hmm now theres a question, Lets see, the following would all be welcome within my beloved sanctum located in this place we call cyberspace, Freaks, wierdos, loons, nutters, muppets, fellow cynics, pesemists, sociopaths, Karl Pilkington(perfectly spherically shaped headed people are the future), Garfield, Bill Hicks, George Carling, Keyser Soze, John Doe, Leatherface (could be useful for the gardening, or maybe for removing the queues at the bar), Tim Bisley(get off me you bummer), Daisy Steiner(this is the good shit, Woooo mama), Colin the Dog, Mike Watt, Marsha Klein( Allo Brian),Brian Topp, Twist Morgan, Tyres, Samuel L Jackson(Get those snakes off the mother fucking plane) The Juggarnaut-(BITCH).......and more to be added......!!


deftones, arch enemy,korn,soil,machine head,hatebreed, iron maiden,judas priest,black sabbath,led zeppelin,acdc, american headcharge,rammstein,ozzy osbourne,obituary, overkill,metallica,megadeth,testament,slipknot,slayer, ill-nino,spineshank,anthrax,sonic youth,ash,muse,linkin park, rob zombie,deicide,soil work,god forbid,trivium,SYL,SOAD, drowning pool, type o negative,wasp,ratt,motley crue, lacuna coil,papa roach,powerman 500,KSE,sevendust,devildriver, chimaira,RATM,faith no more,hoobastank,lamb of god,sex pistols, ramones,dead kennedys, depeche mode,pogues,nwa,ministry,rush, angelic upstarts,pearl jam, and shit loads more :)but im at work and cant be arsed to think of em all now....


One flew over the cuckoos nest, American Beauty, Glengarry Glenross, The Descent, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre(the original), Hills have Eyes, The Eye, Dirty Harry, Heat, All the Romero Dead movies, Shaun of the Dead, Irreversable, City of God, Wizard of Oz, Thin Red Line, The Collingswood Story, South Park the Movie, Brain Dead, Almost famous, Spinal Tap, The Changeling, From Dusk till Dawn, Switchblade Romance, Shawshank Redemption, Usual Suspects, Swimming with Sharks, American History X, Fargo, 40 year old virgin, The Fog (original), The Cooler, Assault on precinct 13, Leaving Las Vegas, The Negotiator, The Exterminator, Evil Dead, The Punisher,

My Blog

Same old same old

I dont post on here as much as i spose i should, then again, the people who care what i have to say normally have a pretty good idea, b4 i even say it lol.Ok, heres the current situation, so...
Posted by Arch_nmé on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 05:23:00 PST

life is like what ??

Ok, fuck all that shit about life being like a box of chocolates - Life is actually like a game of bingo, a load of balls, youre never sure whats gonna pop up, sometimes your lucky, most of the t...
Posted by Arch_nmé on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 02:20:00 PST

How long can you last?

The object is to move the red block around without getting hit by the blue blocks, which begin moving as soon as you touch the blue, and without coming into contact with any of the black walls. I...
Posted by Arch_nmé on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 09:06:00 PST

Diary of a mad woman ;) lol

Ok so i always wondered what my colleagues upstairs got up to while im down here on my lonesome-guess this answers all my queries.thanks to Rachel for enlightening some it may seem like the ...
Posted by Arch_nmé on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 05:03:00 PST

Just to say!!!

Just thought that i needed to illustrate, that... IM THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH...
Posted by Arch_nmé on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 05:44:00 PST