The most amount of sand I ever had in my swimming trunks was several bucket-fulls. My friend and I wanted to see who could get more down their pants. My cat's safety school is he can roll away from enemies!~
You Are the Swedish Chef
"Bork! Bork! Bork!"
Your happy and energetic - with borderline manic tendencies.
No one really gets you. And frankly, you don't even get you.
But, you sure can whip up a great chocolate mousse
The Muppet PersonalityTestCheck out my totally cool t-shirt. How much to buy? You can't buy 'em! Ya gotta earn 'em! Give me money, and you got yourself a deal.
Official BUTTAH Merch - Made from the Finest Buzdekastanopia cotten, painted with the finest inks, gets more comfortable with every wash, very expensive to make, smells like turtles
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My pet, Little Buttah!