Briannethen profile picture


She who loved, still loves, and wishes for nothing more than to love the General of Wilkommen; the t

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorMy name is Brianne... I am the Queen of the Freaks, pleased to meet you. Sometimes I like to ditch class to see a good play... Zac Courtney is my Jester

My Interests

I absolutely loooove Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, X men, Video Games, Sword Fighting, Archery, making stupid movies

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Ian Mckellen because he is sooooo awesome (no not just because he's in lotr) and myself hugging holy saint washington!!


Led Zeppelin, The Shins, The Who, Threes and Nines, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Neil Diamond (way better than neil young), HorrorPops, Bob Dylan!, Flogging Molly, Simon and Garfunkle, And that song on that cd Ian burned for me....


THE BOONDOCK SAINTS!, Lord of the Rings (although thats really a book), Star Wars (the original ones of course), Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, Moulin Rouge, Anything with Zach Braff


LOST, Scrubs, Arrested Development, Star Trek (the kirk one's of course)


Lord of the Rings, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy