Education... culture... humans... animals... travel... ideas... outerspace... cooking... music... nature... eating... listening... adventure... mystery...
People I haven't met yet.
Yes please!!! Rock, alternative, pop... most things.
I like most movies the first time... only a selected few after that. I like chick flicks, dude flicks, scary flicks, funny flicks... and even sad flick when the mood calls...
Some favorites include films by Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese and a few others.
I love to get lost in a good movie.
I like Family Guy, Simpsons, Futurama, American Dad, Medium, Heroes... I don't do Grey's Anatomy, but I do like all those stupid reality shows (It's just embarrassing to admit that) and various sporting events.
I love to read! Scary books are good, and I have a few others I like.
Parents, average everyday people that go about their business and people that are always putting one over on "THE MAN" :) Who doesn't love those guy?