MC♥Hammer profile picture


When you've come to the edge of all light that you know, and are about to drop off into the darkness

About Me

 whateverlife was here wl28 I am... an introverted extrovert, meaning I am social butterfly, but am always in my head. This goes along with thinking too much and feeling too much (typical woman ;)). I used to be really loving and caring, but not as much now because of life breaking me down with tough times... I am still compassionate and sympathetic, but I am more careful in bestowing and putting my whole heart on the line... I'm trying to change this though. :) I'm very sensitive and thinking with my heart more than my head... I wear my heart on my sleeve. I have high expectations for myself and everyone around me... but I'm slowly, but surely learning that people do not need to prove their worth by deeds and love, but rather they are worthy because they are human. I seek perfection... and realize that what I truly need is balance. I love to laugh until I cry with joy. I will never judge you under any circumstances. I'm very open-minded and feel that every person has a right to be happy to be who they truly are. I love being daring and taking risks. I get caught up in one thing and go with it--but most of the time change my mind. I love meeting new people and getting to know who they used to be, who they are now, and who they are going and want to be. One of my favorite things to do is to get out of my comfort zone. I get bored easily with certain things and constantly need a changing view... I'm almost always on my toes and want to stay that way. I love deep conversations and anyone who can involve new insight. I truly think there is a greater plan made for everyone by a greater Being, and though I do have control over my own destiny, those choices were led for me in a larger picture that I couldn't even begin to fathom. I absolutely believe that things happen for a reason. I have been busy all my life and have a tough time knowing how to relax, though most would say that I was laid-back. Ironic, huh? ;) Last, but not least, I do everything with LOVE... unconditional love.
More?.... I am a driven and determined person. I am currently studying Biochemistry and Neuroscience with minors in Health Ecology and Analytical Chemistry at UNR. The plan was to graduate in 2010, nevertheless, life and choices got in the way, and now I'm scheduled to graduate in 2011 with two B.S. degrees. I have my sights on going to medical school somewhere either warm and/or with an emphasis in underprivileged neighborhoods. Underprivileged and humanitarian activities are big for me. I have a dream of working with people who are less fortunate either here in the United States, or in some other third world countries. Doctors Without Borders is something I've always wanted to take part in. I want to be able to show people who may not think they matter in this world, that they do matter by giving them the best medical care rather than overlooking them as others may would have. For this reason, one of my dream schools is UCSF/UC Berkley in the hopes of getting into their M.D./M.S. program in Neurology. Other schools with great ranking in underprivileged emphasis is NYU and Chicago University (where ER was set). As you can guess, I want to be a neurologist and want to study/research/diagnose everything and anything that has to do with your brain and/or nervous system. haha :) I'm a geek, get over it! lol Don't get scared off in my seriousness NOW! lol Otherwise, I love to go out doing random things, keeping on my toes, and with the best of the company. As structured as my life may seem-- IT ISN'T! lol I've made plenty of bad choices, and some may call them mistakes, but I would call them parts of my life... critical parts that make me the person I am now. Nonetheless, I am a fighter and I will fight to be on top... so just watch out! I like to live life knowing that the little stuff aren't life or death... even the big stuff. Everything is just LIFE, there's only little tiny part that may, kinda slightly be considered death. lol :) So, que sera sera, WHATEVER WILL BE, WILL BE. :)
MY MANY NICKNAMES: WIFEY, Mariepoop, Rawstuff, Crunk Pardner... and...
M is for Magnetic [I attract all kinds--pro-diversity!]
C is for Carebear [I tend to be lovable:)]
H is for Humanitarian [I love to care for people and be cared for by people]
A is for Assiduous [I'll never let u down!]
M is for Monkey [Crazy, fun and weird all at once!]
M is for Mastermind [Creative & I Concuct the weirdest ideas]
E is for Exotic [Uhh... I'm asian! Enough said!]
R -rated [Even though I'm weird, I'm still mature about it!]
♥My Wishes & Dreams♥
I Want To Travel The World
I Want To Live In Venice, Italy..
...Madrid, Spain...Sydney, Australia...
I Want To Sky Dive (check)
I Want To Hang Glide
I Want To Become A Doctor
I Want To Write a Book
I Want To SAVE Someone
I Want To Be Made Into A Drummer
I Want To Make A Scientific Break Through
I Want To Make A Difference
I Want To Fall In Love... True Love
I Want To Raise a HUGE Family
I Want To Die Knowing I Changed a Life for the Better
I Want To Be Happily Married (just once :P)
I Want To Be A Best Friend
I Want To Be A Good MOM :)
♥Good Things To Know About Me♥
I love to talk... not to hear myself talk, but just to talk
Deep conversations are my favorite thing in the entire world.
If you are my friend, I'll always be there for you...
If you are my best friend, you'll never have to live without me.
I am weird... pretty damn weird.
I am very energetic and sometimes super hyper.
I'm addicted to being busy.
I guess, I'm kinda deep.
I can laugh at myself...
I do all the time ACTUALLY! haha
I love laughing 'til I pee my pants.
I am dedicated and want to be the best in everything I do.
I suck at lying.
I lack common sense. :)
I think with my HEART not my HEAD.
Sometimes, I just don't think! :)
I love to spoil people.
I will do anything for someone I care about.
I can be very studious, but I can party like the best of them!
I give my trust first time off.
I don't judge on first impressions.
*Bad Things To Know About Me*
I can be pretty dramatic.
Obviously, I can be really competitive. :)
Because of this, I can be very jealous too.
I'm bad at making my own decisions.
I get easily attached.
I cry when I'm sad and DRUNK!
I expect a lot from people.
I'm deathly afraid of failure.
BUT I'm even more afraid of being UNHAPPY.
The Loves Of My Life!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

If this is your goal in life: "To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch... to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!"---Emerson

My Blog

I Cant Handle the Truth

I am so scared... to face up to the truth.These are the simple truths in my life at the moment...1) I may not be able to get into the Med school I wanna go to, but I will become a doctor no matter wha...
Posted by on Tue, 06 May 2008 01:54:00 GMT

Bruised and Beaten

HAHA. Isn’t that just perfect, that there’s a category for GREEK on this blog. Probably because this one word causes so much drama and chaos--it needs to be blogged about... constantly, pr...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 23:55:00 GMT

All of My Parts

Writing is therapy. Writing is a release. Writing is let's you see everything about me... if you ever wanted to know, here it is!Being a capricious youngin' I used to always write poetry, songs, novel...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 02:43:00 GMT

damn regret! not just a Red Jumpsuit Apparatus song

This day was so awesome... waking up late (not with a huge hang over)... going to the lake with my dearest friends ever... people who will always love me for who I am and who I have become and who I w...
Posted by on Mon, 21 May 2007 08:28:00 GMT

Don't make somebody a priority when you're only an option.

SO TRUE. I mean, I'm serious, this is so true. But when am I ever going to learn it? Now. I'm through prioritizing... when I'm only an option. I'm over it. It's time for a change.
Posted by on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 14:15:00 GMT

F* ranking and order... all just BS!

What is a friend? What is a best friend? "A best friend is the sister destiny forgot to give you." - Joanne Patrick Cute, ain't it?! Okay, so I better not be alone in this idea... have you ever w...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 03:16:00 GMT


Fighting to keep this thing alive, constantly fighting to keep myself going, I'm through trying to fill your being with the wonderous joys of life and me staying at a stand still filled with mer i'm t...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 13:35:00 GMT

woot woot! ROLLERCOASTER RIDE! ignorance really bliss? why is not knowing, so much better than knowing? if you knew you were going to die today, would you live today differently? better maybe, saying your goodbyes if you didn...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 01:22:00 GMT

Only Because...

I love life--and all the ups and downs it has to offer.  Self-realization 101 All of these things I have learned, or learning to accept about myself... 1) I am my only, real best friend. 2) No o...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 02:00:00 GMT


Seeing a black cat gives you maybe six month's worth of bad luck& If you walk under a ladder, you receive one year's worth of bad luck& Breaking a mirror is extreme with seven year's of bad luck. ...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 01:49:00 GMT