Word: Fidelity
Book: Paradise Lost
Tv show: Awaiting Nip Tuck
Film: None
Game: Overanalyzeeverythingtodeath
Object: Stereo
Food: Hot Apples
image created by Erik Gordy
Now stole upon the time the dead of night,
When heavy sleep had closed up mortal eyes:
No comfortable star did lend his light,
No noise but owls' and wolves' death-boding cries;
Now serves the season that they may surprise
The silly lambs: pure thoughts are dead and still,
While lust and murder wake to stain and kill.
And now this lustful lord leap'd from his bed,
Throwing his mantle rudely o'er his arm;
Is madly toss'd between desire and dread;
Th' one sweetly flatters, th' other feareth harm;
But honest fear, bewitch'd with lust's foul charm,
Doth too too oft betake him to retire,
Beaten away by brain-sick rude desire.
I consume.
I consume all and then consume my own body's flesh and bone until I cease to exist.
Like an animal caught in a trap.
My trap is the world.
I drive and walk in the same way.
I look for answers in those catatonic, bloodshot eyes.
My people will survive the ice age.
I smell like diesel fuel and oil.
Trip-Hop .. Electro-Industrial .. IDM .. Breakcore .. Noise .. Antigen Shift, Bitcrush, Converter, Dismantled, Dryft, Enduser, Frontline Assembly, GenCab, Gridlock, Haujobb, Juno Reactor, The Knife, Killing Joke, Massive Attack, MDFMK, NCC, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Placebo, Pro-Tech, Rasputina, Ror-Shak, Venetian Snares, Xanopticon, Skinny Puppy