I need a nap profile picture

I need a nap


About Me

Well, let's begin, shall we? I am currently a junior at LSU (mmm... gravy). I dunno if that atmosphere is really for me, but for the money payed, I receive some of the best knowledge in my field in the country (vet medicine, incase you're wondering already). EducationMoney spent... so it kinda owns. I'm a fairly mellow person- what does that mean?- I don't go out out a lot... like, not out to bars, clubs, blah blah wanna-be-teen scene... sorry, not my cup-o-coffee. I love coffee, and I think everyone needs some. I love aminaminals, cause they're pretty roxxor. Besides that, they're naturally warm and friendly, whereas, most people are not... I like to go to shows (as in music shows) and that's about the only way you'll get me to go to a bar; they better be a good band too! Even when there are good bands playing, I never get to make the shows (like Vaeda and Lucid Soule - when they were still around =*(
I don't do drugs and always promised I never will, so don't ask me if I want to. I don't smoke anything either, because I think it's gross, and the one time I took a drag off of a cigarette, it tasted as if I ate our someone's butt (assuming I know what ass tastes like).
I hate drugs more than anything, for that matter... cause I've lost so much from them (friends, people's lives, future years with people... I'd rather be dead than lose someone else to drugs - seriously).
I hate dust - it's just everywhere!
Poo on being sad- I hate it, and you should too, so don't ever be sad.
There's a good side to everything - no, I can't promise that you'll always see it, and if I tell you what I think it is, you'll either hate me or call me stupid.
You probably already think I'm stupid, but that's a matter of opinion...
Actually, I think I'm stupid too, but you should keep reading.
I love music more than almost anything. I'd be lost without it, so respect it. You don't know what you got 'til it's gone.
You most probably don't realize how true that is.
I would give my life in a heartbeat to save you! Why waste my life? At least throw it to good use.
I just wish I knew I made someone happy all of the time ... again.
Damnit, just let me know something or someone who's ever happy!
Does happiness exist or just a state of no sadness? And why does everything have to have an extreme opposite?
Brown makes me happy. (How gross does that sound to people?)
I think LegoLand will make me happy! But, now I don't know cause Sarah still puts doubts in my mind.
Writing makes me happy - And holy crap you're still reading...
Coffee makes me very happy, especially when I have someone to share it with!
I've got the coffee... where are you?
I hate shaving my face, so sometimes I look like a bum.
I hate when things aren't real- cause then I know it's just... crappy.
I miss the way friends used to just call to BS and see how your life was- even if it was the same monotonous conversation repeating every other day.
I just wish I woulda tried harder and been better.
I've built my bridge. Where is yours?
I miss Mr. Piddles too - he was a shy, friendly little guy...
Damnit, I want kids, but I don't want them to be little shit-heads!
I hate dating and getting to know people. I think it's one of the shittiest things ever. I just wanna get that over with already...
I hate when people lie- the smaller the lie, usually the more I hate it. Why hide small things? At least make it worth it, haha...
Don't lie! And I hope you feel bad when you do!
Don't feel too bad, cause I don't want people to get really sad.
I hate it when I can't cheer someone up who's sad.
I just hate it when I can't make someone laugh... especially if they used to always laugh with me (or at me, you choose).
I'm probably a hypocrit, because I know I've lied sometime, somewhere.
I don't like having to readjust and be comfortable with someone else- I like being comfortable where I'm at. So if you're with someone, be WITH them and not somewhere else (mentally or physically).
Why is my view of love too "mighty" to exist and almost no one sees it as the same great and wonderful idea it really is?
Why do people love you then leave you? Why can't love work itself out? It can. Unless I beat you senseless, then no, it can't. But, I won't do that, so don't worry, just don't step all over me.
I don't think anyone's ever really loved me the way I've loved them- They say it, but they don't mean it. And, I hate it.
The song "man eater" describes the women I meet, hahahaha- sorry ladies, I had to put that in there somewhere.
I miss when I could fall asleep whenever I wanted to.
I hate anxiety and depression. They hurt too many people too much.
I miss the simpler times in life - Why does everything have to be so complicated now? What was ever wrong with just walking on the levee or lakefront holding hands? Why are flowers too cliche and only given like twice a year? Why can't I just wake up and put on a suit and tie and walk outside saying "Today's gunna me mighty fine... That's right - mighty fine..."
I hate the little cuts you get on your hands and you don't know where they came from (damn demon pixies).
I wanna just go lay down on the ground, hold hands with someone, and stare at the night sky while they tell me how gorgeous the world can be - and how wonderful it is with me (well, now, don't I sound arrogant? Who ever told me I was wonderful?).
I'm too nice. I'm too patient. I'm too everything - I'm not perfect. I never will be, so don't believe I am.
I hate that I seem to be "too good" for everybody
I don't like how I beat myself up over things a lot of the time.
I dislike it when people compare themself to other people. You are you and there's not a need for you to be someone else. If there was, then you would not be you and you would have been someone else.
Love yourself - if not for you, do it for me, please?
I miss loving someone (romantically, assface) and having them care back- I guess it feels nice even if it isn't real sometimes... "Ignorance is bliss" so they say.
I hate being ignorant.
Damn, I'm kinda sounding a bit "hippy"
I love the beat generation and sharing a drink with Jack wouldn't have been so bad either.
If you're wondering why I love Socrates so much, just learn something about him. He questioned everything. He challenged the biggest military power of his time. He changed everything- for the better. That's what I want to do. Stand up for what you believe in, don't let gravity hold you in your place. Defy it!
"The unexamined life is not worth living"
If you have a problem with something, do something about it... Sitting there will get you nowhere (unless the problem is that you don't want to care about something - then sitting there will solve it by neglecting it, cause in time, whatever it was will die).
Don't ignore me, cause as nice as I am, I will be an annoying anus.
Speaking of that, I hate when friends fall away from me (or I from them)... sorry guys, just come back? haha - I'm always here.
Hooooobudabobobo (I doubt more than five percent of the people who read that will say it right)
Yes, to my knowledge, I did make that up.
I like love better when it's always and forever...
I love to cuddle and kiss...
But I think that about sums it up. If you kids got any questions, well, you know.... it's meaningless for me to say it, but, message me or something, sucka!..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!

My Interests

You'll figure it out eventually... actually, most of you probably won't besides I like to do a lot of things, and everyone just assumes I do nothing, because I tend to be very quiet about most things I do. Besides, why do you need to know about my life when you can be living you own? muahahaha!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who has respect for other people or themselves. No low-life, a-hole loving people. Don't worry, if you're an emo kid that doesn't exclude you. You have a low perspective on life, but you're not a low-life... just don't cry about it =)


a little rap.... and LOVE everything else from country to death metal... so much to list, but here's a few for the kids... Open Hand, Recover, Mudvayne, Thursday, Saves the Day, Death Cab for Cutie, The Postal Service, Lucid Soule, Reflux, AC/DC, Guns N' Roses, A Pefect Circle, The Used, Something Corporate, Taking Back Sunday, Elliott, Elliott Smith, Armor for Sleep, Further Seems Forever, Juliana Theory, Alice in Chains, Tool, Nine Inch Nails, The Offspring, Seether, Mos Def, Kanye West, Damien Rice, Matchbook Romance, Welcome to Your Life, Social Distortion, The Cure, Lacuna Coil, Midtown, Kings of Today, anything melodious (like celtic or crazy anime music and video game music, cause i'm a loser... and for some reason, i keep getting church hymns stuck in my head too)... more to come eventually if i remember to add them


Silent Hill, Donnie Darko, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Boyz N the Hood, Gladiator, The Crow, Six-String Samurai, Memento, The Nightmare Before Christmas, American Beauty (my heavens, that's a real good movie), Field of Dreams, Cowboy Bebop (and out comes the nerd in me)...


Russel Simmons Presents: Def Poetry, The District, Law & Order (oldschool), Adult Swim (anything Cartoon Network for that matter)


Phaedrus, On the Road, White Fang, The Illustrated Man, All Quiet on the Western Front, Mr. Was...


Jack Kerouac and Superman... what a tag team
And Socrates for challenging the thought of the best military civilization EVER! I mean, one man against, how many people? That's gutsy

My Blog

So I think the new plan is....

To move my thoughts onto my journal again. Don't worry, if I write something worth it, I'll let you read it. No offence, but I write more for myself than anything, cause it helps. I sound like a ment...
Posted by I need a nap on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 03:57:00 PST

Old letters with words that will never be forgotten

I won't keep you long so don't worry. I've just been reading all of our old conversations, and I just keep thinking about how cute you are and always were - (on top of that, I don't feel like doing ph...
Posted by I need a nap on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 09:14:00 PST

Step back and watch an empire fall....

Things to come; Things that are; The shape... of things (great movie by the way) But, I like to call them the misshapen things. Life is a waste, and if you're not living it, then you're wasting it. Lo...
Posted by I need a nap on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 07:31:00 PST

So i was scrolling through bulletins

And i found this roxxor bulletin posted by a friend Matt... and well, if you were a pre-90's kid... just read it, cause you'll know it... haha i remember about 80-93% of this stuff (93%.... where'd th...
Posted by I need a nap on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 09:46:00 PST

people that have way too much time on their hands... suck, haha

So, incase anyone wonders why my page is so blank... and why all my interesting, random ramblings are gone... it's cause someone got into my account and got rid of all my fun stuff... I'm not aggravat...
Posted by I need a nap on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 10:11:00 PST

Hey! A Survey!

70 THINGS YOU PROBABLY DON'T KNOW ABOUT ME-- 1. DO YOU SNORE? Only when i'm sick 2. ARE YOU A LOVER OR A FIGHTER? lover, of course, silly 3. WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR? probably drowning... my body nev...
Posted by I need a nap on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 01:18:00 PST

Justifiable Anger

"I sold my soul, but don't you dare call me a whore" ~NIN So... i sold my soul sold a soul to love... i am a whore for love. but not your physical, sex, love... i want your passionate, what drives you...
Posted by I need a nap on Fri, 28 Oct 2005 12:24:00 PST


All i wanted was to get my puppy.. and now that i know i can't have one (unless it's under fifteen pounds), i'm upset. Upset is more of an understatement... a real dog is over fifteen pounds; hell, i ...
Posted by I need a nap on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Ungod of Feelings

So it was you the whole timeHiding behind the facade of your former self. You make me sick But not sick enough to throw up. As a matter of fact,I feel as if I'm constantly throwing up But you're forci...
Posted by I need a nap on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


So I've often wondered how many people sit at home in the wee hours of the morn and ask themselves who else does this. What draws people to sit up at times and wonder. I continuously wonder about the...
Posted by I need a nap on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST