PAN/TONE Live [NEW promo live-set 2008] (right click & save)
KOMPAKT- [email protected]
CLIQUE- [email protected]
From the beginning:.
shelbono barracuda del monte ....real name (sheldon, sidney LeRock) was born in a desolate lumber/mining town in the northern regions of Canada. Like most sterotypes are concerned for Canada and its inhabitants, shelbono is a living, breathing testiment of this fact. Shelbono needed to seek out new opportunities and so, he moved on to Windsor (near Detroit). However, shelbonos story is not like everyone else that comes from windor/detroit and what the world knows as the mecca for techno, no!...(is it?) Living in that area is what sparked an interest but it wasnt until he made his move to Toronto that set the fire. Never a DJ, shelbono performed live for many years and started producing more and more with his own influences that borrowed from post rock and mininalist styles and developed it to reflect his ah! natural behaviours and preferences.
Present:. Under the aliass of pan/tone, gringo grinder, shelbono barracuda del monte embarked on a life of music but most importantly, a newfound passion. Del monte since then has comprised many unique features to his sound brought upon many inspiring factors contributed to his musical direction. With the forge of his thoughts and ideas, (gringo grinder) compositional style is that of a techno+rock (Rockno), a sound that rocks dancefloors and complements the whiskey in hand idea. However (pan/tones) approach is more of a broader musical appeal. (pan/tones) theory is to focus on creating compositions that have a sense of independence rather than a broader musical appeal; a sound that will hopefully branch away from the norm word is bond!