Country music, chain Saws, motorcycles, moonshine, and my ole' lady.
I watched alot of bayarea PBS, hippy, liberal programing when i was a kid and that pretty much helped out with my social anxiety disorder. Not that i have one... but i think everyone is alright in there own special way, just watch out cause ninjas can pop out from any corner. does that make sense? probably not. who cares. i don't want to meet you cause chances are the only reason you are going to contact me is because you are soliciting sex. I'm broke. send free pictures.
I like both kinds... country and metal.
i don't like movies today
The Weather Channel. "On the 8's" has the sickest guitar solos. don't belive me? i dare you to sit through an hour of Weather Outlook and you'll see what i mean. If you live in Canada, it's On the 10's, Eh. they play Rush... so it's only bass solos.
i found out the other day that i read everything. i cant even take a shit without sit'n down with at least the shampoo bottle's ingedients. good read.
**every redneck neighbor that i have somehow moved next door to over the past 8 years. When a man who never goes to work comes over to your house on your day off and asks you if you want to go steal some copper wire with your truck... you gotta look up to that dude. Hell, sometimes if you are lucky, he'll even invite his mutt into your house and ask you to roll him a joint while the dog scoots its ass across your carpet trying to scratch its worm infested shit dispenser.