Tamara...Beautifully Blessed!! profile picture

Tamara...Beautifully Blessed!!

I am here for Networking

About Me

I reside in Virginia, and from high school I started working freelance as a Fashion Stylist/Image Consultant and Model; working with clients all over Virginia and surrounding states. Much Love to First, Spud Opt, 'The Black Card Club', The Charm School of Virginia Beach, VANO, Cheron Phillipe, N-Cognito, the former Hot 102.1, and many others. *********************************************************** Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow; don't walk behind me, I may not lead; just walk beside me and be my friend.***************************************************** ============================================================ ========================================Today is the most important day of my life. Yesterday with its successes and victories, struggles and failures is gone forever. The past is the past. Done. Finished. I can not relive it. I can not go back and change it. But i will learn from it and improve my TODAY. Today. This moment. NOW. It is Gods gift to me and it is all that i have. Tomorrow with all its joys and sorrows, triumphs and troubles isnt here yet. Indeed, tomorrow may never come. Therefore, i will not worry about tomorrow. Today is what God has entrusted to me. It is all that i have. I will do my best in it. I will demonstate the best of me in it- my character, giftedness, and abilities- to my family and friends, clients and associates. I will identify those things that are most important to my today, and those things i will do until they are done. And when this day is done, I will look back with satisfaction at that which i have accomplished.found this fashion layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

Many things interest me because I enjoy learning new things. Absolutely love sports, watching and playing(big bro can't wait until 07' when you go pro!). Of course fashion(Producing shows, writing columns,building images), music and marketing.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is about business in the entertainment industry including fashion & music. But really I love meeting new and interesting people, so when you see me, act like you know me!!!


Im very inspired by music, listen to all genres of music, but love my ol' school hip-hop and R/B. Much love to Up-and-Coming Artist Corte Ellis. You are definitely doing your thing.Also Grand Hustle/Atlantic Records artist Governor, It was great working with you!


Im actually in the process of writing one now.....Look out for V.I.P.. A book I hope will inspire our young ladies to recognize the power of their self-worth and fight the pressures of sex. Also check my page for an inspiring quote.


WoW!! Just to name a few: My beautiful and talented nieces Chelah and Jayanna, Ma & Pop , and any intellect who has made a lasting impression on my life. Also Minister Louis Farrakhan-"...if we find common ground, we can turn this country and this world upside down."