Creative-type stuff like Writing film scripts, Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Papier mache and photography.
Sylvester Stallone
Because I'd like to write his biography (hey, he's a real smart guy!) The fella who invented Prozac
To shake him by the hand. Aaah, what the heck, I'd probably kiss him full on the lips. With tongues. Shane Black and William Goldman
Best...Screenwriters...Ever! Naomie Harris
Because she's yummy and makes me go squiggly inside my tummy, even when she's got manky teeth in Pirates of the Caribbean. That bloke out of Prison Break
So I could beat him to a bloody pulp and he would no longer be fancied by EVERY WOMAN IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. Still, he has got a stupid name. Wentworth, haha! Alesha Dixon and Maxee Maxwell and Anika Noni Rose
Because they reply to my emails even though they're dead famous and stuff. Which is... y'know...nice...
Chick movie (for guys) Field of Dreams Chick movie (for actual chicks) Up to you, love... Drunk and eating a kebab movie Last Boy Scout Film to stop you slashing your wrists Rocky Film to make you want to slash your wrists Rocky V Film to make you cry heartrending snot-ladened sobs My Life Film to make you laugh until milk comes out of your nose, even if you're not actually drinking milk at the time Anchorman Film that makes you think you could be the last of the great romantics, even if you have a face like a dog's bottom Cyrano De Bergerac Film that you tell girls is your favorite in the hope of getting into their undies and you know "Weekend at Bernies" just isn't going to hack it. Crash
I'm reading "Speak Japanese in 15 minutes", and lots of travel guides. Favourite book is "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer. Go and read it and then tell me how right I was.