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About Me


My Interests

Guess interests would be things that I'm into... Well in no order, here's the list:My boyfriend Adrian because he is so cool, and crazy and funny and he loves me, 90's music, a lot of me time, fight against AIDS especially in one's own life, wine, Kasia Dutch, wikipedia, my family, minesweeper, quality friends, wearing your seatbelt, reading (i read just about anything)What I'm not into, again in no order: Celine Dion's voice, violence of any kind, techno music, racism.


I'm not gonna lie and claim to listen to J Dilla and pretend I have Rakeem's underground mix-tape all for the sake of sounding 'cool' and 'hip' and all that crap so the truth is - commercial stuff, mainly Hip Hop and R&B. Favourite songs are Miss Fat Booty: Mos Def, Break Ups To Make Ups: Method Man. Alfonzo Hunter: Weekend Thang, D'Angelo: Cruisin My favourite song ever though is Seal: Kiss From A Rose... I love the line where he says "To me you're like a grown addiction that I can't deny. Won't you tell me is that healthy baby". Apparently a few people think that he was singing about drugs... In the song he goes "But did you know that when it snows (cocaine) my eyes become large (pupils dilate when you on drugs)..." then he says "you remain my power (when you high you're unstoppable) my pleasure, my pain (that would be the down from the high)" Okay, okay. I am taking this too far...


Wide variety. Lord Of War. Inside man. Zoolander. Lemony Snickets. Austin Powers, All 3. Spiderman 1& 2 and 3, Ocean's 11, 12 and 13. Fight Club. Natural Born Killers. Set It Off, Gone With The Wind...even though it's so darn long!


MTV and MTV Base, Punk'd, Yo Mama, Project Runway, History Channel, Discovery


Biographies. Loved Winnie Mandela: A Life. The Encyclopedia Guiness Book Of Records... facts man.. thats what I read...


um.. still searchin for one.

My Blog

A Survey Thingy

    FINISH THE SENTENCE... 1. I like... Kenny G's horn 2. Right now I want... Kenny G or nothing at all 3. I feel like... doing something else besides stupid MySpace surveys 4. I hate it wh...
Posted by Thato on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 06:23:00 PST

19th January 2007

      Okay, so there I was, on the 19th of Jan, BROKE like everybody else. Only difference was it was my BIRTHDAY.... I happen to be one of those people who think birthdays are a big de...
Posted by Thato on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:02:00 PST