There are lots of things I'd be interested in doing that I've either not had the time to do or not had the courage to do...Lately it seems I've ben surfing the internet for the funniest video of all time, I've found a few good ones but nothing side spliting yet..Other then that and taking care of my cats I take a few long drives, this year the desert is so full of life and beauty I couldn't pass it up..
Someone honest and true...Fun and Funny...& must like cats
I like music, I know that sounds funny or strange but I listen to alot of stuff..I like music that is complicated, so I actually have to listen to it to get it.Lately bluegrass and traditional music with a few old whaling songs thrown in when I'm feeling down or wore out from the stresses of life
to many to list...As I get older I find myself turning into my father and learning to love classic westerns( I have no Idea why)School of Rock, Elf,Starsky & Hutch,Old School,The Good, The Bad & the Ugly,The Unforgiven,Dinner Rush.Vanishing Point.I could go on and on
Wild Boyz JackassLive Formula One races WRC& the newsis just about all I use my TV for
Anything Tom Clancey writes
My Grandfather..... He server in the Marines for 20 years, then he work for the State of CT for 20 year, then he coached college softball for 20 years... He died after having an aneurysm leaving the gym on a friday morning after a tough workout..... He was 80 years old and he could still out run most people I know..Hardworking till the end, and always had time for his family..If I had half his will power & strength I could be 10x the man I am now...