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About Me

Born and raised in Philadelphia, with a 5 year tour in New Jersey. I was a high school drop (as you can tell from this writing) I recommend that everyone finish high school! Any way at the young age of seventeen I signed up to be a soldier in the United States Army. The best decision of my life, it may of save me the fate of no skills no job for the rest of my life. I learned a lot and traveled all over Europe for the most part. I did do some time in Macedonia, and Bosnia. I missed both of the Middle East wars and I am proud to say that in the 20 years I spent in the service I did not fire a shot at another living thing. Not to say that I'm a pussy and could not have done it. The way I always looked at it is "its me or him" I prefer to be the winner. So I retired and now live in Alaska. What do I do for work after 20 years in the Army? I'll never tell (don't want to get stoned). I have been married going on 20 years and have a teenage son "the sun and moon of my life." Just here at MySpace to have fun and meet people. Get your own free cool template at
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My Interests

I like to run, read, games, watch movies, ride bikes, fix bikes, fix stuff, and try different things. I find that I cannot not try something new. I feel like if I don't at least try it once I may miss something. Of course this approach can cost a bit of money and cause a lot of (shit) to fill the closets LOL.

I'd like to meet:

Who would I like to meet? "I meet people everyday and sometime I even like a few of them." I don't really want to meet any one person. But since I am in a place that has some 74 million people in it I guess it would have to be people with the same interest. Don't get me wrong I will talk with just about anyone.


Music is kind of like my interest list I listen to just about anything. System of a Down to Andris Segovia. I do not find myself stuck in the past (70's and 80's) I try to keep up to date.


I have the few I always tend to watch when all else fails. True Lies (Jamie Lee Curtis) Robocop, Total Recall, Shawshank Redemption, and The Crow. This list could go on for a while. But these are my fail save movies when I am not sure what to watch.


TV is one of those things I could do with out if it were not for DVD's. Not much of a TV buff. But when I do tune in it is for shows like Lost, Friends, House and the such.


Just finished the Cell (Stephen King) I enjoyed it. I read whatever catches my eye.


Anyone who gives one hundred percent. We live in a time where it is easy to take short cuts.

My Blog

Equinox Marathon 2006

Having only trained a little I still decided to run the Equinox. My longest run prior to this marathon was 5.5 mile which I ran in SCC. I also have a bunch of extra weight I had to drag up that damn...
Posted by Thomas on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 03:53:00 PST


Well here I sit in my small room with the dull paneling and the shitty light.  I have to wonder why I left the Army?  Oh! I remember why I left the Army; it was so I wouldn't have to sit in ...
Posted by Thomas on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 03:24:00 PST

24th Annual Midnight Sun Run

Just got back from the run! My son and I ran it together this year...well kinda together. I finished at 47:50 or so slow for me, it must be the extra weight..the holidays were to good to me :) Nick ...
Posted by Thomas on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 12:41:00 PST

My son in on his way!

It was bound to son is in Europe with out his mom or dad. A school trip that will take him to Italy and Greece. What a luckly boy! I spent 7 and a half years in Germany and never made t...
Posted by Thomas on Sun, 28 May 2006 10:22:00 PST

New addition to the house

Davy is his name; he is a brown tabby with a wonderful disposition. He loves to play and cuddle. He also get along well with the dogs in the house. I found him in the Fairbanks animal shelter; I st...
Posted by Thomas on Sun, 14 May 2006 01:32:00 PST


At last it seems like summer! The sun is out in and the sky is clear. From what I recall in the Newsminer it was calling for rain. The weather in Alaska can be.....just that you never know what you...
Posted by Thomas on Sat, 13 May 2006 11:45:00 PST

New bike posted 66 Fastback

The latest 1966 Schwinn Fastback is posted in my photo section. I have about 15 or so hours of time into this new bike. It started out as a bunch of parts I shopped for on e-bay. It took just under...
Posted by Thomas on Sat, 06 May 2006 11:14:00 PST

Hot and sunny thats how I remember it

It was 1983 when I reported to El Paso, Tx for my first term in the active Army. I was "November Golf" to that point (National Guard as I had to say this if I wished to receive my meals each day in ...
Posted by Thomas on Fri, 05 May 2006 03:44:00 PST

66 Fastback, Schwinn

At last spring is here and that mean I get to finish up a winter project. Yes, another bike. This one is put together with a bunch of parts off of E-Bay. My son Nick will get to ride it around as h...
Posted by Thomas on Wed, 03 May 2006 02:53:00 PST


It seems while I was setting up this new account for I forgot to check the married block(a very important block). It had me as single which I am not. Married going on 20 year to a very lovely women....
Posted by Thomas on Mon, 01 May 2006 01:47:00 PST