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It was a vision so clear and real and vital to me that in it's purity it was almost abstract...

About Me

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You Are An ENFP
The Inspirer

You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.
You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.
Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.
You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!

You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist. What's Your Personality Type?

My Interests

My first love is music of all kinds. I DJ and that really helps to be open minded about music. I also love acting, and attend various auditions whenever I can. I love football (soccer to you) and play whenever I can get into a match...

I'd like to meet:

Valentines Day Ghetto -Gram ( David Spates )
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Roy Keane(Footballer); Nelson Mandella; Bono(U2); Butros-Butros Gali; Noel Gallagher(OASIS); The Pope; The Dali Lama; Salman Rushdie; Mick Jagger; Paul Oakenfold; Sean Connery; Anthony Bourdain; Steve Jobbs; Donald Trump; Derek Jeter; Mel Gibson (WTF, dude?!);


House/Techno/Electronica/Trance/Rock/Classic/Reggaeton/Ska/M etal/Rap/Reggae/R&B/Hip-Hop--You name it I love it. U2, Paul Van Dyk, Jimi Hendrix, AC/DC, Usher, Lil Jon, Ludacris, Paul Oakenfold, Erick Morillo, Fatboy Slim, Pete Tong, The Killers, The Notwist, Ash, Placebo, Ladytron, Depeche Mode, Sean Paul, Notorious B.I.G., Bad Boy Bill, Daddy Yanky, The Smiths, Morrissey, Jay-Z, NEW ORDER...I could go on forever.... MUSIC IS LIFE!


American Psycho (Not nearly as good as the book though); 300; Borat; Shaun of the Dead; Trainspotting; Layer Cake; Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Snatch; Hot Fuzz... These are just a few of them, there are way too many to list!


I don't watch that much TV...


Anything by Irvine Welsh or Hunter S. Thompson, or Brett Easton Ellis. My favorites have to be Trainspotting, The Acid House, Bedroom Secrets of the Master Chefs, Kitchen Confidential, Blind Date, The Painted Bird, The Average American Male, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, and American Psycho...
I also like Charles Bukowski, Chuck Palaniuk, Jack Kerouac, Jerzy Kosinski, and Salman Rushdie. I'm afraid I don't read as much as I used to though...


I don't believe in heroes...

My Blog

Check out RED ROOM bar in Prague

If you’re ever in Prague, check out the RED ROOM bar & cafe. It’s my friend Deniska’s place. Check it out! http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&fr...
Posted by Damian on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 08:13:00 PST


Italian Ban On Public Privates-Scratching Nick Pisa in RomeUpdated:02:14, Thursday February 28, 2008 Italy's Court of Appeal has issued a new hands-off landmark ruling - outlawing men from scratchin...
Posted by Damian on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 08:30:00 PST

Check out Mr Noldy!

Hey everyone, make sure you check out my boy Mr. Noldy! He's an incredible talent in the music industry, with the best voice I've ever heard live... http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseactio...
Posted by Damian on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 07:36:00 PST


Cashless Odyssey Foiled By The French Updated:11:31, Friday February 29, 2008 A man who aimed to walk from Britain to India without spending a penny only got as far as Calais - because of a distinct...
Posted by Damian on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 08:23:00 PST

Funny Joke

Donald Rumsfeld briefed the President this morning. He told Bush that Three Brazillian soldiers were killed in Iraq. To everyone's amazement, all of the color ran from Bush's face, then he collapsed o...
Posted by Damian on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 12:41:00 PST

Jose Mourinho...

A handful of journalists managed to track down the fleeing Jose Mourinho to a harbourside eaterie in west London. When asked what the official Chelsea statement meant when it stated he left by "mutua...
Posted by Damian on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 08:22:00 PST


So, I FINALLY(!!!!) have my passport issue sorted out! This after going into the Federal Building in Boston and screaming at people for 5 hours. I only sent everything to them on Nov, 28 2006! First t...
Posted by Damian on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 07:36:00 PST


So, I just wanted to clarify something for the people I know in Boston, who think that I hate the town for no reason: That's not true. I actually have been to Boston off and on for several years, and ...
Posted by Damian on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 09:23:00 PST


So, when I was in Central Park the other day, I saw this family playing around in the snow and sledding down a little hill. The kid was having fun, and so was the kids mom and dad, when another little...
Posted by Damian on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 03:17:00 PST


Ok, so this weekend was without a doubt, one of the strangest and most fun times I've had in a really long time. Given that things were not looking too good at the start of it, I'm really surprised at...
Posted by Damian on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 09:57:00 PST