Does anyone actually read these things? In my experience, they really don't. Really, what's the point? No one reads what you have to say unless it's in a blog. I'll go ahead with it anyways....
Bad girl gone good. I still like to do the bad girl stuff, but I just don't do all the time.
I love music.
I love live shows.
I have a really weird memory issue. Sometimes it’s short term memory loss, and sometimes it’s long term. Maybe it’s just selective memory. I don’t remember names, but will remember faces.
I like the Powerpuff Girls a lot. So what if they’re no longer on the air?
I have 2 cats named after the Wonder Twins…if you actually remember who they are, kudo points for you.
I just had the Baconator from Wendy’s last night….I just wanted more than one little strip of bacon on a burger. I don’t think I’ll eat for a week.
Here’s a little test I decided to put in, to see if someone really reads this: What movie is this from? “Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?†If you already know me, you don’t have to answer that. You can if you want to though.
I’m getting geekier the longer I’m with my bf. I think I was pretty dorky already, but I figure I was well on my way to becoming a geek girl.