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A little about me Who cares!!?

About Me

I am a VERY happily maried man. I love my wife Crystal and dog Lilly. Also have several GOOD friends who would do anything for me and I would do anything for!!I am just her to meat new friends. I am awaiting surgery on my back which has me dissabled for nearly 4 years now. I hope to get back to working and having adventuris fun again

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My Interests

I have so many! Football (EAGLES!!), fishing, music (all kinds), games, hiking, camping,biking, motor cycles, horror movies, gambling...ect.the list goes onCURRENT MOON moon phase info

I'd like to meet:

Gerald Gardner, Aleister CrowleyThe Code:You are now marked on my visitor map!

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Alice Cooper, Aerosmith, Queen, EdwinMcCain,System of a Down, Rob Zombie, U2, OverKill, Megadeath, B.B. King, Buddy Guy,Disturbed, Metallica, Eminem, Snoop Dog, Lou Armstrong, Etta James, Cellophane, Cinderella, Motorhead, Iron Madin, Metal Church, Judas Priest, Slayer, Death, Death Angel, Rigormortis, Morbid Angel, Dark Angel, King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Quiet Riot, Twisted Sister


Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Army of Darkness, Amityville Horror(the original), House of 1000 Corpses, Land of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead(both), The Devils Rejects, Saw I & II, The Lion King, Pet Sematary, Cemetery Man, Toy Story 1 & 2, The Exorcist, Strange Land, Attack of the Killer Tomatos, The Mummy(original), Killer Klowns from Outerspace, Zombi, Halloween I,II,III, A Nightmare on Elm Street I II III, Friday the 13 I II III, House On Haunted Hill(Original only),Any thing with Abbot & Costello

Very Spicy POULTRYGEIST! Music Video
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Lost, Numbers, Cold Case, Almost anything on History, Discovery and Sifi Channels!!


Wicca A Guide for the Solitary Practioner by Scott Cunningham; Living Wicca, Scott Cunningham; Spell Crafts, Cunningham/Harrington; Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, Cunningham


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My Blog

Some bad news for me

Well I found out that they can't operate on my back. It is in to bad a condition now. So now I don't know what I am going to do. The pain is so bad. Also I found out 3 weeks ago that I have diabetes n...
Posted by Jamie on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 05:13:00 PST

Back from our trip to Florida.

We are home from our christmas trip to Florida. We had a great visiting with family and friends. It didn't feel like christmas, sitting in shorts and 80° temps. driving around in a golf cart. It was n...
Posted by Jamie on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 09:44:00 PST

Surgery done

Well I had my proceedure done on monday. It was extreamly painful. I don't remember it being so painful the last time. However it has been better than I thought it would afterwards. Dosen't hurt as ba...
Posted by Jamie on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 01:01:00 PST


Well tomarrow I am having surgery (so they call it) I call it a needle, Because that's what it is. Sticking a needle in my back to cause pain to find out where it is. I had this done once before but t...
Posted by Jamie on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 04:12:00 PST

Gtting there.

Well I am getting there. I even got out yesterday and took the dog for a walk!! It was nice out. I went a little to far but it was nice to feal human for a little
Posted by Jamie on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 08:12:00 PST

Did'nt get shit

Didn't get shit surf fishing last night. But it was better than sittin home doin nothing. It was COLD out. 30 degrees and windy. Billy who I took me got a small skate. I found out that they have sharp...
Posted by Jamie on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 11:03:00 PST

Surf fishing.

Well gonna go surf fishing tonight. We want to get out there before it starts getting to cold out. Down to about 32 tonight. I hope I can manage ok without being in too much pain. Well we will see.
Posted by Jamie on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 01:23:00 PST


Went to see the new Omen movie yesterday. I liked it. It stayed to the origonal added a little excitment and was over all good. Crystal  jumped at least 2x during it. ...
Posted by Jamie on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 11:46:00 PST

Great Memorial day weekend

Well Memorial day weekend 2006 has pased. We  had a ood one. Family came in from PA and my brother and family came over. It was nice. Very relaxed and no pressure. On Sunday the kids had a water ...
Posted by Jamie on Wed, 31 May 2006 12:45:00 PST

Busy weekend comming up

Well this is Memorial Day Weekend. That seems funny to say, day weekend. We are going to have a packed house all weekend. Relitives comming in tomarrow and that means everybody will be here. They will...
Posted by Jamie on Fri, 26 May 2006 11:38:00 PST