Futsal + Movie + Novel + Hangout @ Mamak + Speed driving + Dating 'him' + Sleeping...
Everybody named HUMAN...
Fly FM is my fav radio station... Beside, i really njoy Pop shuvit, Reshmonu, Anuar Zain, Pussycat Dolls, LL Cool J, Linkin Park, Dewa 19 n Ne-Yo...
Honey, A walk 2remember n Forrest Gump... Beside, i njoy comedi n horror...
Fear Factor, Extreme Makeover, Eve, Friends, American n Malaysian Idol but i hate Simon Cowell n Paul Moss, PCK Pte. Ltd, The Apprentice, Scare Tactics, Charmed, Tarzan n Jane, Smallville n Average Joe...
All textbooks of my course, hahaha... Can u imagine hw thick they are? Ahakz...
Mr. Kamarul Izham Musa...