To do is to be - Socrates
To be is to do - Aristotle
Do be do be do - Sinatra
Iwan Fals is an Indonesian singer, who began as a street performer.
To 1st World Countries though, a beggar would be more apt. His music in
his early days were rock and roll, but seem
to progressed( or re-gressed..) to a more folksy tune.
Lot's of those:"Hey-ya!"'s in his songs.. not like Outkast's,"heeeyy, i'm so gay-yaa.." types (though I loved the Opera version of Hey-ya..)
but the ones that hypes you up, like "Hey! watch it, ya.." :P
The first raw electric guitar
sound I heard..and will never forget.
"sing on,Brother,play on,Drummer.."
"We can plant a house, we could build a tree .."
heavy sighing, pastel fingernails, acrylic shoes, charcoal jeans, second-hand clothes, coffee stains, swirling smoke, school skipping, roach burns, cheap liquor, free rides, greasy hair, late nights, long faces, smilling friends...moderate rock.
Under the bridge downtown
Is where I drew some blood
Under the bridge downtown
I could not get enough
Under the bridge downtown
Forgot about my love
Under the bridge downtown
I gave my life away
Oh we're so pretty,
Oh so pretty,
Oh we're so pretty,
Oh so pretty..and I don't care!
I stole my first copy of Urban Hymns, then I lost it..then I bought it..then it got stolen.. But seriously, depressive as it may was full of hope , i reckon.
I'm a funky junkie space cowboy..oh, and it's good stuff to make... luurrve to.
Fun, Sad, Sappy, Happy,
Heavy, Light, Gay, Grey, Love, Spirited,
Silly, Clever, Chichi, Rubber Soled..Rusty Soul, Naughty, Nice, Melodic, Lyrical,
Bilateral, Celestial.. Timeless .
I thought that 'Girls and Boys' was quite fun ,
thank you very much.
Shh... but I Do the POPCORN to this! ;P
When I was 14,my friend
and I skipped school and his
cool older brother who was a DJ,
let us hang-out at his apartment.
That's when I heard my first synthetic music.
Big beats and Jungle were all the rave back then,
but Jazz and Bass was more my cup of coffee..still is.
I welcomed the invasion of Trip - Hop with open ears..
but only a few made it through my wall of wax.
Early stuff's great to listen
to on a lazy Sunday morning,
on the balcony alone or with
someone sipping tea ... later works include a dance floor,
a few friends and heavier drinking.
Trench town rock, Don't turn your back ,
Trench town rock, Give the slums a try ,
Trench town rock , Don't let the Children cry.
"I kill no women and no kids" .
Natalie Portman and her Loilta-esqueness made peodophiles outta ALL the guys who watched this.c' know who you are!
My 2nd favourite Kung-Fu flick after Enter the Dragon!!WOW.and the soundtrack is so~ lame,u gotta love it!
7 years in Tibet...was also a good show.HA!
If Art is a Burger, then photography would be my side order of chips.(french fries to all you americans..and french:)
Very few foreign movies are deserving to even be considered to watch,aside from being pretentious,they're often quite slow and hard to understand.and tend to be a tad bit too cheesy.
But Cidade de Deus is like,Trainspotting,Juice,LOTF, even Scarface rolled into one.It uses a rapid-cutting style to flash back and forth in time,so its cool,without being cheesy.And it revolves around a slum dweller-cum-photographer who is the author who wrote the book on which the film is based, Paulo Lins .a visual feast,very Mtv..but that's good,right??
Joe loves his family.
"The best trick the Devil did was convincing the world he didn't exist." - Kaisar Soze .
I first saw this movie on LaserDisc (remember those things??) when I was 15. I chose not chose life. I chose a fuckin' laserdisc player! (anyone got a portable laserdisc player?..( Liz,pinjem punya loe donk.. )
My friends and I would have this ritual of going to my friend's house after school, about 4 something o'clock and watch a bunch of Cheech and Chong. Try going to the bathroom before the part where C&C drive their van made of weed infront of a patrol bike, and the cop pulls them over.. Classic .
My step-dad cried when Jenny told Forrest about little Forrest and Forrest asked her : "I-i-is he like me, Jen-ny?Is he stupid like me?"..I guess all daddy'll have that fear. My favourite was the scene where Jenny was in her dying bed and Forrest was telling Jenny about his life story and she says : " Oh, Forrest, I wish I was there with you." and he says : ( ALL TOGETHER NOW )" You were, Jen-ny." AWWW...
I enjoy watching cartoons..especially manga.
I was still in NZ when this movie was released, and the whole gang thing wasn't as hardcore as the movie; in fact they're quite nice people. I should know, my friend's whole family were in the Mongrel Mob in a neighbourhood just like Jake Heke's place (I think it was actually filmed there..) after the movie came out we'd all imitate the scene in the club, where the bouncers bopped their heads wearing their shades..hehe..oh.It's supposed to be a serious movie? Kia Ora. Welcome to Otara,bro.. Aotearoa .