Violin, any type of music, art rollerskating, Piano, Cello, Viola, webdesign, braid stylist, swimming, reading, and clubbin...
...or wish I could have, or even work with: Regina Carter, Lauryn Hill, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Donny Hathaway... Amy Winehouse, Gnarles Barkley, Lutha, Levert, Sweat, Erykah, Lauryn..did I already say her?,
Bach, Debussy, Buxtehude, Saint-Saens, Mendelssohn, Black Violin, Il Giardino Armonico, Amy Winehouse, Outkast, Kelis, Rick Ross, 'Lil Wayne and Co.
Hustle & Flow, Ma Dea' and his productions (Tyler Perry), Disappearing Acts, The Notebook, Pulp Fiction, of course, anything by Quentin Tarentino
Top Chef, America's Next Top Model, American Idol, Project Runway, Design Star, Weeds, King of Queens, Showtime at the Apollo, Clean House
Coldest Winter Ever by Sistah S., anything by Omar Tyree, The Great Divide
Barack Obama, Reverend Jeremmiah Wright