Things I enjoy: Looking at dead things; humans, animals, etc., Working, I like listening to music; preferably the songs that drives my mom nuts, watching I love Lucy, collecting; pigs, CD's , pictures, and thoughts. Playing cards ; tog-its, and whatnot. Writing, reading; mostly about true stories, tragedy whatnot kind of stuff. Eating, Cutting up pictures, designing my salon, cutting hair, talking on the phone; laughing; esp. making fun of people. I LOVE PAINTING, singing to myself, Bagging on my mom, driving my mom nuts, finding new ways for my mom to ask why, sleeping, showering, Sweet kisses, Long and drives and long talks on the phone, reminiscing, doing my nails; and other fancy things like so. Floppy disks , Thai food, websites, SN's, Green stuff, bEst fRiends, Chest, Dvd's , drawings, Anton. running with scissors!, sleeping in, staying up late, 5 tacos for 4.99!, 7:11!, SHORT HAIR, LONG HAIR, ANY KIND OF HAIR!; EWE. EXCEPT SMELLY HAIR!, PARTNERSHIP, ETC
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the cool cats
Well, you are the one, the one that lies close to me
Whisper's "Hello, I miss you quite terribly"
I fell in love, in love with you suddenly
Now there's no place else I could be but here in your arms
I know what I want, wouldn't it be nice, to hold hands in the end? I'll kiss you soft so you know it is love since the first time I pressed my lips against yours.
I'm pretty well rounded, I love music.
Eh. I rather be in movies living my life, rather then sitting in the movies watching someone else's make believe life... But I have a few FAVORITES.
Not for real-real.. Just for play-play.
I love Books! Not for play, play, but for real reals.
GROWING UP. MY BOYS They take me the way I am.& geo. You have changed my life, although you think otherwise. U_u*