Hanging out with friends and family. Music, books, films, the outdoors -walking and cycling!!! Lazy Sundays with my fella, my 5 year old and dog...
Dahlai Lama, Nelson Mandela, can't think of any others!!!Any of my favourite bands, but just to get pissed and have a laugh, not to get starstruck and stutter. We are all human beings after all!!!..
Photo Collage by Dundoo - MySpace Editor
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National Geographic, History and music channels. Sixfeet Under, Prime Suspect, Shameless, The Messiah, Globe Trekker. Twin Peaks is my all time favourite. Don't get alot of oppertunity, my 5 yr old seems to monopolise the tv/dvd!..
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Dahlai Lama, Nivana, John Peel, my 5yr old, and my mates!..