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About Me

The name WildMoodSwings (WMS) was taken from the title of a song by the Cure in their 1996 release with the same name. Spurned by different WMS, the band continues to write spontaneous songs and melodies usually under the punk or rock genre (though some would say "indie rock").WMS was founded by Masi Solano who invited fellow baguio-girl Cree Rillo to sing and play the guitar in August of 2002. Eventually, they got bassist Fil Viyernes, who was then about to leave his metal band Witch Tree Symbol. It was also fortunate that around that time, Masi kept bumping into Debbie Singson backstage in numerous concerts. It was during one of these concerts that Masi invited Debbie into the band, and Debbie agreed, as both found that was a cute idea to follow her older brother Mitch's footsteps, who plays the drums for bands Sugar Free and Ciudad. They unofficially unleashed WMS at a gig in Supremo Bar along South Super Highway in September 2002. In the span of 3 years from their first gig, they have honed and developed their skills and songs after numerous practices and gigs in well-known underground venues like Mayrics and Freedom Bar. Unfortunately late last year, Masi had to leave the band for personal reasons. Hence the unlikely addition of Jeff Cabal, who was willing to substitute for Masi's lead guitar duties.Contact us at: [email protected]
ANYWAY... here's the real(!) profile of the band which we saw in reader's digest one summer day:
WMS "the band" (or the WMS combo) is actually for Wild Mood Swings.wild Mood Swings was formed 5 years ago in the highlands of scotland. They started out with two moody yet groovy girls named cree (lead vocals, guitars) and Masi (back-up vocals, guitars) doing duet versions of power rock ballads like "Total Eclipse of the Heart", "Gold", and "Another one Bites the Dust". Unappreciated during their early years as their "art" was a bit ahead of their time (their first audience consisted of 3 people: a drunken bald man and a lesbian couple who were making out), they decided to cook shawarma instead until they could find the missing links to the great mystery of "the band".Fortunately, it was only after 36 months of working with persian cuisine that they met the lovely debbie (drums) at their favorite resto eating kebab like there was no tomorrow. As lightning struck thrice on the same spot, they knew they had found their newest ka-combo-berks. She at once accepted their offer of music stardom on the condition that once a week she needed to be free to play her current guilty pleasure of DrumRevo at the G4 arcade.Now all that was left was to find Fil (bassist). But it was easier than baking peach-mango-pie for a party of five-year-olds, as it was actually Fil who found them one summer day, while they were browsing the Boy Band section of Tower Records G3. Self-dubbed as Fil T. (Tulis / Tikwas depending on current GF/BF), he was a total stranger to the girls, but his familiarity with the art of "small talk" and his famous pouty lips at once won the hearts of our trio of troubadours.Joyfully complete, on that same night, they immediately played at the nearest major intersection (it was C5 and Ortigas) which caught the attention, admiration, and applause of various street vendors and urchins. Usually jamming 2-3 hours everyday in the fires of hell, their craft achieved razor-like perfection, worthy of home-tv-shopping steak knives. Armed with their Masa hits such as the andrenaline-pumping "GO GO!" or the love-lost-then-found "Pinholes" or the coming-of-age "21", they have come to rock your world.Unfortunately, Masi couldn't make it to even-numbered gig days. So on these occasions, they have resorted to asking masked men to do the lacking guitar works. One such masked man who answered their call was Jeff (back-up guitars, masked hero extra-ordinaire). Shining the bat signal installed on the top of Jade Place to the sky would signal exactly when he was needed, and pretty much like-clockwork, Jeff would always, as if on cue, paraglide to the center of the stage a few moments before they would play and would ninja-vanish immediately after.Their sordid past now revealed to the public's prying eyes, they pledge to live their lives in the name of good music, sex, drugs, and more!!! Three huzzahs for the magnificent band of counter-poseurs (huzzah, huzzah...HUZZAH)!!!Weow.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/25/2006
Band Members: Cree - Vocals / Guitars, Fil - Bass, Debbie - Drums, Jeff - Guitars, Marie - Exploiting Epal
Influences: The Cure, The Get-Up Kids, The Promise Ring, Saves the Day, MXPX, Eggstone, Lemonheads, Popsicle, True Love Always, Stars, Kid Dynamite, Rancid, Ramones, Goldfinger, Foo Fighters, Aimee Mann, Stone Temple Pilots, Less Than Jake
Type of Label: None