We are the ultimate artiste, model & event management company. We are the MAN behind the scenes, making sure your production is on point and hassle free as possible for our clientele.
Have you ever thought of making music or keeping a party but unfortunately you just don't have the links? Things like getting a track, studio time, venue, sponsors, sound system, selectors, local & foreign artistes, models, lighting, flyer design & printing, foam, snow, stage, billboards, and security... well we've got the hook ups. Basically everything you'll need in order to get your production off the ground, we have the links to help you get it done. So anytime yuh ready, just link us up and we will assist you in the best way possible. Within music production, we are working with some of the hottest upcoming composers/producers from across the world. Along with that and our expertise and roster of artistes... it makes us one of the hottest Independent Labels from Jamaica todate.
You want newspaper (observer, x-news, gleaner), magazine, radio airplay, cable (hype tv, re tv, music plus), and internet adverts for your party & music?? Well we've got the hook ups. We have our own website available along with our fan:club which has over 8,700 members from yard to foreign. We also have our new fan:club[MOBILE] network of over 4,700 fanatics. Road promotions plus our party models, we got that locked. So yeah man, no doubt we've got the hook ups in promotions... just check out our clientele for references of our success zeen.
Well this is the big shizzle mah nizzle. If it's ROCKWILDAZ RE|COMMENDED... it's 80% or so of the time highly attended. Our recommendation package offers to you all of the above features plus our logo on your promotional materials, we endorse the event on our website, soon in our print magazine as well as our fan:club. When we recommend your event... we do so with the sole intention of informing our fans that the event is definitely one to attend. Just ask anyone of our clients and they will let you know that getting their event ROCKWILDAZ RE|COMMENDED was one of the best things they've done towards the success of their event.
PEACE... Rockwildaz "ONE BLOOD" Family !!!