Life. ....... The people can say that life is a wonderful thing, an object that cannot be bought. I consent, but life is something a lot of people take for obtain. This extraordinary substance call us life is very difficult in reason owing to the obstacles this washes out forward. I sit sometimes to the house or where never I am and the day dream. This is a habit reproducing expression that I do everyday. I dream it day of which people calls "life." In my day dreams I think about the future and that it holds for me. It is funny because I wonder if the "life" will direct me in the good destination that adjusts better for me. Know this life has a lot of occasions and taking the east in top to me. If. .......In the end "life" ...........well leaves just says that life is something that everyone has, but this is that YOU done with your life that does you that a lot different one of all one the others. Your occasion will direct you in the destination. There is a lot of occasions in my hand, not to take advantage of this will be very crucial. Therefore I the life in life to the fullest one and takes as my occasions as I can in life.
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