Miss Vee profile picture

Miss Vee

Devine intervention is unlikely

About Me

Live music rox my sox. I love illustration because it stresses the subject and allows me to day dream. I love puppets and mechanical dolls. Small plastic toys make me smile. Video games are totally fun, and waste my time... but that's okay. I dance with my cats, my sweet gentlemen of fur. Comics are a necessity, but few have any worth. I used to sew a good portion of my own clothing, but laziness seems to have set in. I spend a good about of time studying free will - leaning towards compatibilism, but am always looking for a compelling agrument against. I have a lot of blankets and pillows. I like blankets and pillows. Black, red, tan, purple, grey, pink and dark brown are awesome colors. I seem to have forgotten how to play the guitar, when I hold it I just sit there staring down - maybe too much guitar hero? I've started taking Krav Maga, and it's awesome. I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian, that means I do not knowingly consume anything that is derived directly from the death of an animal. I have become obsessed with drawing owls... bats are pretty awesome too. But I'm currently on an owl kick. My cat Bashir likes to knead anything that is soft and has my scent on it. It weirds me out. Tans are bad. Black eyeliner is good. :)

My Interests

owls, strawberries, palor, puppets, cats, quilts, dancing, video games, mix-tapes, live music, friends, boots, illuminated manuscripts, soft sheets, Krav Maga, HD, studying and black ink.

I'd like to meet:

Bashir and Cheetos siblings.


I love to make playlists . Lets see... in my stack of recent listens I have T.Rex, The Cure, DM, Girls Against Boys, Die Form, Suicide, VNV Nation, Frusciante, Mike Patton, Melvins, And One, The Faint, DJ Shadow, Human Drama, Judas Priest, Echo and the Bunnymen, Interpol, Blonde Redhead, Daft Punk, NIN, Flaming Lips, Donovan, The Killers, C. Stevens, QotSA... oh so many.


The Royal Tenenbaums, Rubin and Ed, Full Metal Jacket, Harvey, Animal House, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Trainspotting, Clueless and Nightmare on Elm Street have all been seen more times than I can count. My DVDs


I watch many shows on Mr. TV - Dr. Who, Star Trek (All), Bones, Law and Order, 90210, CSI (even Miami), Strangers with Candy, Planet Earth, Mr. Show, Dresden Files (


Topics in political philosophy and ethics. I like comics n' stuff The Sandman, Eightball, DMZ, Fruits Basket, The Walking Dead, Optic Nerve and have a new found love in Blade of the Immortal. BTW, Adrian Tomine causes bad dreams, for realz. As for general fiction, I like old and moldy stuff, fantasy genre and random stuff. As a wee Vee I was obsessed with The Phantom Tollbooth. I love the eternal champion series, the wheel of time series and other stuff like that.

Currently attacking: The Blind Watchmaker
Next on list: The Time Traveller's Wife


Cheeto and Bashir

My Blog


Okay, I know I'm late on this one. But I LOVE heroes, the tv show. Hiro is so super awesome!! And OMG Mohinder is so fucking hot! I am almost done with season 1... please season 2 come out on dvd soo...
Posted by Miss Vee on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 05:29:00 PST


Beowulf is one of my favoritest bits of writing ever. It's a great one, you must read it, multiple times. The CG flick that is coming out looks interesting. But I'm a little confused on the directi...
Posted by Miss Vee on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 03:12:00 PST

Oh Havana, how I want to visit thee

Everytime I realize it's almost my birthday I become extra politically aware. Why? Because of the Cuban Missile Crisis It's sad that many don't know what it was... basically it was a major military co...
Posted by Miss Vee on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 07:40:00 PST


Today is the 25th anniversary of the CD. Neat. According to BBC news the first CD produced was The Visitors, by ABBA!Here is the link......
Posted by Miss Vee on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 08:26:00 PST

Might Makes Right!

Posted by Miss Vee on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 02:14:00 PST

Oh Activision, you silly forgetful thing.

Okay, so things are going well enough. I'm happier than I ever have been, ecstatic that I nearly have all my feeling back and lost nearly 20lbs. So why am I irritated? Because I was shafted on my last...
Posted by Miss Vee on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 02:40:00 PST


On the back of my left thigh is a dark, nearly black bruise, in just the right spot and with just the right size to have no logical explanation.Due to random illness, wisdom teeth removal and bronchit...
Posted by Miss Vee on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 12:45:00 PST

Close to Me

One of my favorite cure songs, that has two awesome videos for... wish I had higher quality versions. I bet most people don't know which album this is from and I don't mean "Greatest Hits." :) ...
Posted by Miss Vee on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 07:38:00 PST

My cats are very cute.

I was exchanging awesome sayings and uber expressions with someone when I realized some of my favs lacked adverbs.And I remembered all that bad Mormon poetry written by students in my creative writing...
Posted by Miss Vee on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 03:14:00 PST


This was a bulletin from Michelle that was funny... for past/present Ventura County folks. "Camarillo Barbie" This yuppie Barbie comes with your choice of BMW convertible or Hummer H2. Included are he...
Posted by Miss Vee on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:23:00 PST