425 River Street
Troy , NY 12180
Phone: 518-274-0553
WWW: http://www.revolutionhall.com
E-Mail: [email protected]
http://tickets.revolutionhall.com/ NEW! - tickets are now available at Revolution Hall everyday from 11am-7pm
Best Concert Club
Revolution Hall
425 River St., Troy
"Revolution Hall is simply a comfortable place to see a show. The rich wood floors and inviting balcony recall some of our favorite venues in New York City, and the sound inhabits Rev Hall in such a way that there really is no bad place to hear the show. The acts booked at the Hall have gotten progressively more interesting and worthwhile. With a little more variation in their booking, the Hall could well end up being the most overall appealing concert venue in the Capital Region."
-MetrolandBOOKING CONTACT please do not write to our myspace page for information about booking. Such requests will be ignored. If you are interested in booking a show or renting the hall, please click here .
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