-- --t--My score on -- --/t-- The Heroes Personality Test :
Peter Petrelli
(You scored 50 Idealism, 66 Nonconformity, 16 Nerdiness)
http://is1.okcupid.com/users/348/108/34910810133136532/mt117 1155212.jpg
Do you ever... get the feeling that you were meant to do something extraordinary? Congratulations, you're Peter Petrelli! You are a compassionate, idealistic person, which is great. You're searching for your identity and purpose in life, and you have a strong desire to be special, and do something great for the world. You're a bit on the emo side, but you have the best of intentions.Your best quality: Empathy Your worst quality: EMO
-- --t--Link -- --/t--: The Heroes Personality Test ( -- --t--OkCupid Free Online Dating -- --/t-- )
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