I enjoy the simple things in life. I cherish all of the people in my life past and present that have have effected me in anyway…positively or negatively. I believe that everything happens for a reason. And that people make mistakes, and should be forgiven, and take there mistakes as a blessing… a new chance to become a better person. Life is about learning. I believe that certain people are in your life for a reason. (Even those that hurt you) I try not to judge people. I love all different personality types. I like to figure out why certain people are the way they are. I am very open emotionally. I am not afraid to express my feelings. I am so young and I have so much to learn about life, and love that at times I tend to overanalyze everything! This can be a good thing because I am very open minded when it comes to friendships and relationships…I always try to relate to others feelings…and I try to put myself in others shoes. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect that. That is why I feel it is so important to listen to others, and really communicate….and hey, you may just learn something! I think the most important thing to me at this time in my life is just trying to enjoy life and find out what I need to make me really, and I mean REALLY happy. And I believe that I will be content with my life as long as I love myself and stay true to my heart and never lose my integrity! I have my morals; I know what kind of woman I am and want to be. I think so many people get so caught up in impressing everyone else that they lose themselves!! And that is so sad :( I don’t believe that money, and power alone can truly make anyone happy! Somebody is always going to be better looking, have more money, or friends or a faster car or a bigger house…or a “better job†( by the way I hate the question what do you want to do with your life!! What do you mean? I am living my life!! I don‘t know what will happen tomorrow, or next week or next year…I am doing something…I am happy and healthy, I have fun, I have great friends, and I am surviving! I don‘t know where my life will end, but when it does I will be happy, and doing something I love) don’t get me wrong those materialistic things are nice, but they are a luxury…not a necessity! There are a lot of things in this life that I WANT…..but I don’t NEED a thing. If you took every materialistic thing away from me…I would be ok…life is so simple…enjoy it! No one should take themselves too seriously. Life is about the ride!!! Enjoy it! Learn! Laugh! Dance! LOVE!!
I feel that too many people get caught up in this superficial world trying to compete with each other! That is ridiculous! The world would be such a beautiful place if every human being just embraced who they really are (one of a kind) and stopped concentrating on “fixing†what they believe to imperfections!! People waste so much time trying to cover or fix what they don’t like about themselves, that they can’t find what really makes them special…Everyone was born with a gift…everyone has flaws…that’s life. I don’t want to waste my life trying to change the things I can’t.
I learn more and more everyday that you have no control over anyone but yourself. And when people hurt you, and hurt you and hurt you, and you let them and you care so much that you want to believe that they will change, and someday care about you enough to stop hurting you, so you stick around and keep going….you miss out on every minute of this wonderful life that should be spent laughing and smiling…so sometimes you’ve just got to let go, and take it as another life lesson. I have learned that there is one thing in this life that I can control, and that is my own happiness.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !