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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all - O.W. HolmeI love my family and thank God for them. I love God and my country. I am so proud of my Army boy. I miss him now that he is in Germany. Married for over 100, I mean 11 years, boy has this been a ride to remember. Boxers are the only dog to own. Totally not liking the teenager mentality these days. GIRLS - wake up and get some self respect! I really should have been born in the 30's or 40's as I have even been called a prude. I am very proud of being a mom to my 4 toe heads and know I have been given exceptional children. I could be bias but who knows. I homeschool my 3 youngest and know we have made the right decision by our boys. Although I am much too young, I have a beautiful granddaughter. No, nobody asked if I wanted to be a grandma, they just went ahead and did it. My special girl knows that MiMi loves her so very much.

My Interests

My children, birds, gardening, nature, learning new things every day, homeschooling, books, American history with the boys ... Oh, did I mention homeschooling?Your Language Arts Grade: 100%

Way to go! You know not to trust the MS Grammar Check and you know "no" from "know." Now, go forth and spread the good word (or at least, the proper use of apostrophes).

Are You Gooder at Grammar?
Make a Quiz

I may be grey, um, I mean, blonde but here's proof that I'm not so dumb! O.k., so the blonde isn't all that 'natural' anymore, sue me!

I'd like to meet:

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Music: love almost all, hair bands (after all, look at my age), soft rock, R&B, jazz, the oldies, gregorian chant. Linda Ronstadt's "Sentimental Reasons" album, anything Bette Midler. Country makes me sad, especially patriotic/war/soldier country. Most Rap is just crap derogatory and degrading lyrics except for Will Smith, so proud of him being an exception (and a homeschooler, too!)

adopt your own virtual pet!


You paid attention during 86% of high school!

85-100% You must be an autodidact, because American high schools don't get scores that high! Good show, old chap!

Do you deserve your high school diploma?
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Now you know one of the reasons I homeschool! LOL


What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Northeast

Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak.

The Inland North
The Midland
The South
The West
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuizSo I can understand the NY City thing as people tell me I have a Brooklyn, Bronx and/or Long Island accent depending on how ticked off I am at the moment. Go figure.Now, as for T.V.: Grey's Anatomy, Desp. Housewives, What about Brian, Brothers and Sisters, Boston Legal, According to Jim, Dancing with the Stars, CSI Miami, AFV, Two and a Half Men :} Miss NYPD Blue, China Beach, Most especially, West Wing :{


always better than the movie! Have three little ones, I am leaving my self-enjoyment reading for the future. Too busy reading ahead to teach. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and The House with the Clock In It's Walls (Bellairs) are awesome.


My grandparents, my Uncle Donald, Princess Diana, Pope John Paul, Oprah Winfrey, teachers. The President - Who so ever holds this office will receive mine and my boys respect for who he is, what/who he represents and because he (or she, he, he) has been given that post by the Grace of God. U.S. SOLDIERS - ARMY, NAVY, AIR FORCE, MARINES, COAST GUARD, BORDER PATROL - ALL OF THEM FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOMS. POLICE OFFICERS - every day put their lives on the line. Firefighters - self explanatory. To all who help make this world a better place for my children.A winner never quits, and a quitter never winsThe Lord doesn't call the qualified; he qualifies the called.Give it to God, he'll be up all night anyway.There's no such word as CAN'T.NEW ONE: Teaching a children to count is good; but teaching a children WHAT counts is better

My Blog

The Bitter Homeschooler’s Wish List

--> Wrapper --> --> Menu --> --> InstanceBeginEditable name="Text" --> The Bitter Homeschooler's Wish List By Deborah Markus, from Secular Homeschooling Magazine, Issue 1, Fall 2007 1 Please stop a...
Posted by my4boysluvme on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 08:26:00 PST


One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm...
Posted by my4boysluvme on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 08:11:00 PST

I’ve Learned

I've learned... I've learned...that the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.I've learned...that when you're in love, it shows.I've learned...that just one person saying to ...
Posted by my4boysluvme on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 08:23:00 PST

What learning style are you?

Eight Styles of Learning Linguistic Learner likes to: read, write and tell stories. is good at: memorizing names, places, dates and trivia. learns best by: saying, hearing and seeing words. Logica...
Posted by my4boysluvme on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 06:56:00 PST

Why is the American Flag folded 13 times?

Why is the American Flag folded 13 times? To begin, the flag is HELD open and flat by its four corners 1- Folding the flag in half lengthwise creating a crisp middle fold is the first fold "A symbol o...
Posted by my4boysluvme on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 06:18:00 PST

Funny - Why public school is better than homeschool

Found this on a homeschooling site, thought it was funny and thought provoking.  I cannot verify that the author is Scott Ott. Why Public Schooling Is Better Than Homeschooling ~ Scott Ott1. Mos...
Posted by my4boysluvme on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 09:13:00 PST

A Soldiers Wife

I do not know the author of this story so I can't give credit where it is due but ... I was sitting alone in one of those loud, casual steak houses that you find all over the country. You kn...
Posted by my4boysluvme on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 08:59:00 PST

Homeschool Mom Self Check Test

Self-Check Test for Homeschool Moms by ChristineMMcopyright 2007 ChristineMMAnswer these questions honestly. Your replies are for your eyes only. When finished, ponder your answers and come to your ow...
Posted by my4boysluvme on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 08:52:00 PST

Craig R. Smiths Made in the USA

  .. end option -->.. leadin graphic --> .. end leadin graphic --> .. standing head -->.. end standing head -->.. head -->Made in the USA: Spoiled brats.. end head -->.. deck -->.. end deck...
Posted by my4boysluvme on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 08:54:00 PST

Ada Tyrrell’s "My Son"

..> George Herbert Clarke, ed. (18731953).  A Treasury of War Poetry.  1917.   146. My Son   By Ada Tyrrell  .. END CHAPTERTITLE -->..> ..> .. BEGIN...
Posted by my4boysluvme on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 03:33:00 PST