I love music...and playing my intrument,,,so i make music and listen to music at the same time!!!weird noh?????..........i lyk swimming....can't live without water......gives me a sense of calmness...........i lyk surfing the net on my free time...that's why im on myspace!!!!!duh!!!!:P
anyone as long as you look human and friendly.........hehehe:Pif u wnt,,,u cn add me ,,,[email protected],,,,,
music.........can't live without it...........probably explains my urge when i bought my cellfone/mp3player/recorder even if it looks like a child's toy.........hwahaha:) i lyk listening to anyting as long as the mood is happy..damn i hate sentis!!!:P....i only patronize happy songs.....eniwei i alzo lyk chinese and korean songs,,,,,,,especially from gassoos!!!!:P (do i sound lyk a dork????well back off!!!,,,jst kidding:P)
i lyk movies that are action packed with HUGE battle scenes like lord of the rings...i lyk blood and gore!!!!!hell yeah!!!!
anyting as long as i can learn sumtin good from it...........im your average book reader,,thank god!!!!:P