J profile picture


pRinSeSa LaSaLiStA

About Me

Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

i am a crazy partying derranged young lady with thought pouring out of my already packed brain..seriously damaged by uneventful tragedies happenning all at the same time.. i am not fickle minded.. just sort of weird at times.. i am an analyst with lotsa questions about the world..i wonder what certain things are for or what they do to people's lives.. i listen to class to get high grades..i become boring and grumpy when i study too much..i become a human eating monster when i'm pressured with school stuff.. i'm a certified beach bum-mer..i can hang out at the beach all day long till my skin burn out from total tan..i write people certified perfect essays and make them pay for it.. i make money out of my intelligence.. got a problem with that? I use 95% of my brain everyday and I wonder where all my shallowness went.. I am a CERTIFIED DEAN'S LISTER..i love to dance and party.. i love to go raving and bar-hopping.. i know.. drinking isn't a good thing to do..but then again..who cares? i'm not a minor anymore..ha! anyway, i am destined to be a lawyer someday.. a celebrity lawyer that is! HA! i wanna be an MTV vj.. i might have a chance! harhar.. funny..no that's not being sarcastic..not at all..i design websites and blogs for a small price and i design display racks in malls plus i do interior design on rooms too for a fraction of a cost..well..at an early age i learn to make different businesses work for me.. now i wonder what i'd be ten years from now..
aaaahhhh..well..ofcourse i'm only a college student..simple..
easy-going, party crazy, beach bummer and total achiever...
i take pride in my self and my achievements, i take pride into who I am and who i'll be in the near future..
I should not be taken lightly..
beware... *rar* haha..

My Interests

love bar hopping,,rave parties..Fort Embassy super club Addict..greenbelt..promenade..eastwood.. malate..basically anywhere.. haha.. shopping.. music.. art and just goin' around.. :P

I'd like to meet:



totally love RnB! acoustics and pop... but i'm also SLOWLY getting into alternative slash rock slash emo stuff.. haha.


JUMPER!--HAYDEN soooo hot! TRANSFORMERS! superman..a walk to remember..the fast and the furious..uh..other chickflicks..and uh..well..actually,i got plenty just can't type it all here!


CSI--definitely the best.. -LAS VEGAS, NEW YORK AND MIAMIFRIENDS-such a legend -ross,chandler,joey,monica,phoebe and rachel..aww.HOUSE -i totally love dr. house, nothin' compares to my addiction to this.ONE TREE HILL - hooked on it and will forever be a fan of nathan and luke!QUEER EYE FOR THE STRAIGHT GUY -love the fab 5and many more.


Harry Potter.. never loses it's magic.. REALLY. haha.


Tom Cruise... that guy never loses his charm. definitely tom..oh well there's always HOMER SIMPSON!hahaha..did i just say that?! maybe i'm terminally ill..wtf?! homer simpson?! hahah..

My Blog

According to this..I'm a Sex God?!

You scored as Sex God. You are a master at sex. You make your partner weak in the knees, and you know it. You've had the practice, and you've read the books, but don't get too cocky (pun intended) or...
Posted by J on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 10:12:00 PST

"smile"-don't get it?! read on..

"so, i put on my make up, put a smile on my face and if anyone asks me everything is ok.. i'm laughing coz no one knows the joke is on me.. but i'm dying inside with my pride and the smile on my face....
Posted by J on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST