Chris profile picture


LeTz Get iT On

About Me

Myspace Layouts by

iM cHris.iM jUst a simpLe anD shy pErson.Im a pErsoN hU LovEs mUsic sO mUch.i pLay gUitaR pEro pAng acOustic Lan acOh.dAts y mAh fRendS cALL mE "mR.aCoustiC".kKhiyA nOh?pEro aTLeAst mi tALent acOh.mLakaS aCohw mAmbAra sa mgA trOpa cOh eHh.frendly acohW nA tAo,if u nid mi hELp iM oLwEiZ dEr.

My Interests

mi number 1 hobby is to play guitar,, play basketball and badminton,, texting"txt addict acoh ehh",, surfing the net for friendster and myspace.. maglaro ng computer games lalo na ang NBA LIVE.. mAg-arAL..

I'd like to meet:

oL hOrny gUrLz aWt dEr.. tXt mE aT 09227724431..




fAst anD tHe fUriOus,,amEricAn piE,,tRipLe X,,itAliAn jOb,,sO cLose,,hOrrOr mOviEs,,serendipity