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Glittery texts by
Glittery texts by
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? lemonade, iced tea
Beverage (alc) ? hard drinks of course red horse
Color ? baby blue, baby pink
Food ? any, as long as i can take them
Item of clothing ? mini-mini skirts,bohemian skirts,jeans, baby shirts,sleeveless, depends upon my mood
Meal of the day ? bacon and french toast..whaaaa! lage na lang!
Feature on yourself ? hmmmm...u discover
Quality in a guy/girl ? am head over hills with sweet guys,he must be honest also,thoughtful nd must love me for who i am
Phrase ? In my eye's there's just you and no other. In my heart there's no doubt that your mine. Cause if your never told, how would you ever know that youre the one i love
Song ? Someones wathching over me, You nd Crazy for you
Musical Artist/Band ? any, i can listen to them..depends on my mood
Sport ? volleyball, basketball, table tennis, am also into water rafting
Movie ? a lot dude..but the movie that i love to watched over nd over specially when am kinda sad..EVER AFTER
TV Show ? i dont get to watch t.v nemore, but i love smallville, dawsons and charmed
Radio Station ? Y101
Type of Chocolate ? cadbury fruit nd nut and black forest
Eye Color ? brown
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? yah! so sad it died na
Smoke ? yep!
Drink ? yep!
Have any piercings ? uh..huh!
Have any tatoos ? none..
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend hmmmm...kinda! whaaaa! but that was a long time ago
Had sex ? hahahahaha!
Gone streaking ? hmmmm...
Gone skinny dipping ? hmmmm...
Been to Europe ? nuhh!
Been to an island ? hell..yeah!
Had stitches ? nope!
Broken any bones ? i thinlk so!
Been stabbed/shot ? no way!
Slept until after 12:00 ? of course!
Stayed up all night ? thats what i do..
Danced like a whore ? whaaaa! yeah!
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? naaa..ahhh!
Turned down a dare ? yep!
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? rj
Is the prettiest ? all of us man!
Is the most handsom ? whoa! prince grabe nd danniel
Is the loudest ? kathy! grabe daldal
Is the craziest ? che-che shes crazy dude!
Is the most shy ? think none..hehehehe!
Is the most loving ? they are loving...
Is the most understanding ? they are...
Is the most boring ? they are boring sometimes..
Is the richest ? daniel tiu
Is the most athletic ? mayen
Is the most cocky ? hmmm...
Is the biggest sex icon ? 3 of us hehehehe!
Is the most wordly/cultured ? my danniel
Do you look up to the most ? leah
Do you tell everything to ? l.a
Has the best clothes ? danniel due
Has the best house ? him again!
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? done that..
Kiss someone of the same sex ? uh..huh! chicks
Cheat on someone you love ? did that..
Run away from home ? yah! dude!
Lie to your parents ? who has not..
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? damn! yah!
Lie to your best friend ? yeah man!
Give a homeless person money ? yep!
Run from the police ? not yet
Bungee jump ? nuuhh,,uhhh
Sky dive ? i wish
Cross dress ? yeah!
Be an exotic dancer ? inside my rum lang..
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? never happened
Scuba dive ? yup!
Go rock climbing ? uh..huh!
Go spulunking (caving) ? yes! yes!
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? hot male singer!
Bologna ? whaaaaa!
Hott ? need ac
Orange ? taste good
Real world ? full of jerks!
Fuck ? who? hehehehe!
Jack ? nd the beans stalk?
Cucumber ? prevents eyebugs..
Hip-Hop ? cool
Uniform ? i hate uniforms
UniCORN ! ? wish i can see one
Rainbow ? connection...hehehehe!
Clown ? funny
Mis forMushy
Ais forAdventurous
Ris forRevolutionary
Iis forIndustrious
Eis forEnergetic
Ais forArticulate
Lis forLogical
Eis forElegant
Xis forXtRemE
Ais forAstounding
Nis forNaive
Dis forDelightful
Ris forRemarkable
Ais forAthletic
Jis forJoyous
Ois forOrganic
Yis forYummy
Gwen Stefani - The Sweet Escape
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