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The Fallen World


About Me

Earth's history is forever changed, plunged into darkness, magic and chaos where the supernatural roam and the evil reign. War approaches and the tides of change have been set in motion. The world is no longer as it once was, nor will it ever be again. As men head out for battle, they take with them only the hope that they will return. They know that if it is not death that seperates them from this world, it will be conversion...and to many soldiers, death would be a much better fate. The Empress' of the Marakai will not be merciful. It is inevitable, that many soldiers will fall in their servitude. Already, hundreds have been converted, leaving behind their natural lives to cavort in the dark world of seduction, power and the aphrodisiac of sin. Egypt, Babylon and Persia; it is said, are to ally with the Marakaian Empire, but there are those who rebel, those who have taken seperate leige from that of their enemy. What will become of the world?
The Fallen World is the best of Freeform Role-Play. Created by Serenesta and Dizzy, formerly MSN role-players who have taken their passions for creating, to higher pinnacles. Visit TFW - The Fallen World at and become a part of the adventure!

My Interests

The Fallen World is an online Freeform Role-Playing organization that is fantasy and historical based. It is a place where others who share the interest and passion of role-playing, come together to create fascinating storylines and adventures by interacting in a fictional world with fictional characters that each member creates.
TFW is open to anyone who would like to join (assuming they follow our OOC - out of character rules). We are open to seasoned role-players, as well as those of you who may have never role-played before.

I'd like to meet:

War has ravaged the world. It is no longer as it once was, nor will it ever be again. The Roman Empire has grown in strength while the Byzantine Empire has fallen and the Egyptian Empire seems to be at the brink of the same destruction. Archon demons and their pawns have unleashed their wrath upon the living that venture into the Marakian Dimension, and slowly they push their armies to spill upon the Earth, most notably taking over the Capital of Gaul and the Byzantine Empire.
Fallen Angels seek now more than ever, a way to destroy these demons once and for all, the rebirth of the Illimar only meant to facilitate that end. Man has been oblivious to this battle, though suddenly is thrust into a world of the Supernatural without enough knowledge to defend themselves and their homes. Suddenly, Rome and its leaders have been thrust into a new war, a war that doesn’t expand the Roman Empire, but engulfs all mankind. Common men and women begin to join and lend aid to those whom are willing to fight for their very lives and culture. What will become of the world when there is more than ever a need for unity to survive, when for years, the only thing they knew was to stay above the waters from the conquering of one another? Will they fall and bow to the Demons? Will they seek out and find the resources of Supernatural elements to raise arms against them? Will they remain divided to fall or will they unite to stand?
There are rumors of a secret way inside the Underground World of the IV Marakian Beasts. The Beasts that are said to have caused the great break, the great shift in reality, Beasts that feast and slumber and know only death and chaos; Gods of a world alien to Earth. Some claim to have found it; others claim to have been there. In this place, there are great secrets and mysteries of the ancient and dark world that has cast a shadow over mankind.
But beware of what lurks in the deep, dark places of time, for if it is true, that some have been there, they may no longer be who they appear to be. Seek the great Sorcerer ‘Bayloc’ and you ~may~ gain vast powers that far surpass those that walk the Earth and the Marakai with you. Perhaps the Oracle of Escharia can guide you to him with her sight. The way is long and winding, dangerous and vague, fogged by rumor and myth. But those who seek are likely to find. And those who find are often rewarded.
Vampires, Lycans, Demons, Fallen Angels… The world is filled with them. New breeds and new generations are on the rise. The world is in a state of chaos and the dark legions of the Marakai are growing at an immense and rapid rate. Vampiric Territory is spreading. The Authurian Bloodline: the most notorious bloodline to-date, have taken over France, Poland and now Egypt. There are rumors abroad that these Vampires have become allied to the Marakai Empire, but no one knows the truths behind any rumor. For now, they sit idly on their thrones, quickly finding more Empires to overthrown, more land to conquer and spread their blood. This has caused a great amount of animosity between the families, even more than before. The Marileus Vampires seek the destruction of all Authurians, and humans start to take arms against those that threaten their freedom. Blindly slashing their swords at what they do not understand. In this New World, you never know when you’re fighting against a demon, a human or a vampire. Not anymore…
The Ancient Demons of the Underworld, the Urandrum, tasked to protect the IV Marakian Beasts at all costs have fallen lax in their duries, blissfully unaware of the infiltration and alliance of the Vampires with anyone or anything within the Marakai, or have they all? Could these Vampires from the Earth realm pose a threat to the Beasts? Now, the Empresses have gone missing… Do the Urandrum have anything to do with their disappearances? Do those “serving” the Empresses have reason to not speak of their disappearances and hide the fact that they are truly missing?
Have the portals into their realms been found useful by the humans and their Earth creatures? And all the while, within their own kingdom, the Archons start becoming aware of the Urandrum, that for years now, had been mere rumor, mere myth? And, as they become aware, they begin to plan…. Many will not let their land go, others dream of obtaining their powers, both in essence and in material state. What plans do the Urandrum have to bring back the order they once held before the Empresses took over?

My Blog

The Fallen World

  Earth's history is forever changed, plunged into darkness, magic and chaos where the supernatural roam and the evil reign. The Fallen World is the best of Freeform Role-Play. Created by Serenes...
Posted by The Fallen World on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 10:16:00 PST